Hello Every Body, I recently change my configuration from a raspberry pi4 to my NAS on docker and I migrate integration et configuration.
I have some problem with Customize, In my configuration.yaml I have
customize: !include customize.yaml
In my Customize.yaml
friendly_name: Porte de Garage
icon: "if (state === 'on') return 'mdi:garage-open'; \t return 'mdi:garage';\
\ "
icon_color: 'if (state === ''on'') return ''#e25f67''; return ''#00b300'';'
When i check the status in tools of dev. I have
friendly_name: Porte de Garage
device_class: opening
icon: "if (state === ‘on’) return ‘mdi:garage-open’; \t return ‘mdi:garage’; "
icon_color: ‘if (state === ‘‘on’’) return ‘’#e25f67’’; return ‘’#00b300’’;’
In Home assistant
I have the icon for a deviceclass opening and not garage and the color is the color of theme and not wanted color
Something change between configuration ?