I am trying to give my light a friendly name.
I want to have “Sonoff Basic 1” on the frontend, but all I get is “sonoff_basic_1_relay” from the light definition.
In my configuration file I have this:
light: !include_dir_list lights/
In the folder lights/ there is a file for each light.
File “sonoff_basic_1_relay.yaml”:
platform: mqtt_json
name: sonoff_basic_1_relay
state_topic: "home/sonoff_basic_1/Relay"
command_topic: "home/sonoff_basic_1/setRelay"
qos: 0
optimistic: false
retain: true
In my configuration.yaml file I have this 4 spaces in:
customize: !include_dir_merge_named customize/
In the folder customize/ there is a file for lights, sensors, etc.
File “customize_lights.yaml”:
friendly_name: Sonoff Basic 1
What is wrong with my setup, I can’t figure it out.