Customize icon entities

Running 0.95.4. When I change the default icon for a switch entity from mdi:flash to mdi:bullhorn using the “Customize” UI, the icon changes temporarily but, reverts back to the default icon. The customize UI now displays an error message,

“It seems that your configuration.yaml doesn’t properly include customize.yaml
Changes made here won’t affect your configuration. The following attributes are already set in customize.yaml”

The config/customize.yaml file now contains an entry for the customization I made via the UI.

icon: mdi:bullhorn

I go back to the customize UI and delete the icon change, click save, and the customize.yaml file entry is now cleared:

switch.downstairs_siren: {}

This happens to every entity I try to customize. I’ve tried adding the “customize:” integration into my configuration.yaml file but, that produces an INVALID CONFIG error. Currently, I have the default_config: integration loaded. I’ve also tried adding the !include customization.yaml parameter but to no avail.

Does anyone have any idea how to customize entity icons?

It has to be placed under homeassistant: e.g.

  name: Your HA Name
  latitude: !secret home_lat
  longitude: !secret home_long
  elevation: 8848
  unit_system: metric
  time_zone: !secret home_time_zone
  customize: !include customize.yaml ### <---- HERE

Putting homeassistant: at the top level of the configuration.yaml file makes all of the entities declared within the config unavailable (e.g. covers, cameras, manual alarm panel). My config is good according to the config validation UI. It starts like this:



Text to speech


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
customize: !include customize.yaml

The HA home, time zone, elevation, e.t.c are all configured using the new “Configuration and Server Control” UI so, they don’t appear in my config.yaml file. EVERY line after homeassistant: throws an error. For example, the config above throws the error:
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘tts’]

If I comment that line out then, the next line throws an error:
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘group’]

I continued to comment each line and got the same result until I got to customize: !include customize.yaml. This did not throw an error!

Unfortunately, everything after that did. Alarm Panel, e.t.c…
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘alarm_control_panel’]


Please format your post correctly. It’s impossible to see what you have done.

Bad config format. Here’s a better paste:


    - platform: google_translate
  group: !include groups.yaml
  automation: !include automations.yaml
  script: !include scripts.yaml
  sensor: !include sensors.yaml
  customize: !include customize.yaml

  - platform: manual
    name: Home Alarm
    code: 1999
   pending_time: 0
   delay_time: 0
   trigger_time: 600
    pending_time: 0
    trigger_time: 0
    pending_time: 0
    pending_time: 30
  disarm_after_trigger: true
  code_arm_required: false

You still don’t seem to be formatting it correctly so it’s hard to tell if there’s problem with your YAML or just incorrect formatting with your paste. But the problem seems to be that you have it in the wrong area completely. Like Tom said, it needs to be under homeassistant: area.

Change the first line to be these two lines, in this exact order.

  customize: !include customize.yaml
  customize: !include customize.yaml

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml

The config above works. If you nest everything in the config.yaml file under the root homeassistant: parameter, nothing below it will work, EXCEPT customize integration. Everything after the customize integration MUST sit at the same level with the root homeassistant: parameter

That’s because only very specific things are supposed to be nested under it. These things:

And now you can use the configuration GIU to do all that and it’s not necessary unless you prefer to do it this way.

Everything else get’s it’s own un-indented line.

I’m sorry but i can’t see “customization menu” described here:
Where is it??

Go to your profile (click the circle with initials next to your username in the sidebar) and enable “Advanced Mode”.

You should then be able to find the customization menu