Customizing frontend. Confused

So trying to get the main thing sorted. The frontend. From the documentation it is ruled of by groups. But what about the order. For example set a group like below. I understand why the kitchen_lights come on top. They are the group and rendered first. But why the first (leftmost) sensor is kitchen_co? Why is kitchen_tv displayed before kodi? And how can i get data to be displayed in 3 columns?

  view: yes
  name: Кухня
  - sensor.kitchen_temp
  - sensor.kitchen_hum
  - sensor.kitchen_co
  - group.kitchen_lights
  - media_player.kodi_kitchen
  - media_player.kitchen_tv
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Any help? Or it just gets arranged randomly? How do you control it than?

As far as I know this can’t be controlled at the moment. You could check out this video for some inspiration:

im pretty sure the cards are rendered left to right across the screen. Also they are rendered in alphabetical order unless specified in the customisation config.

you could do

  order: 1
  order: 2
  order: 3

and so on…

Im not sure if its a bug or not, but personally it should render in the order in the groups yaml but it doesnt for me.

According to what I see on the ‘States’ page of frontend, it looks like only groups have ‘order’ attribute.

The order of entities in my frontend corresponds to order in config.
Maybe it sounds weird but try to add indent to a list of entities:

  view: yes
  name: Кухня
    - sensor.kitchen_temp
    - sensor.kitchen_hum
    - sensor.kitchen_co
    - group.kitchen_lights
    - media_player.kodi_kitchen
    - media_player.kitchen_tv