Hi team, I flashed ESPHome on a garage door cover and I can control it through Home Assistant. I am trying to get the icon for the garage door to reflect the status of the garage door. I am having trouble conceptualizing the best way to do this in ESPHome. I am hoping to do it there to keep everything self-contained and clean. I imagine it involves using lambda but I do not have experience with C++. I have done plenty of searching and have had trouble getting it to work. Could someone lend me a hand? Bonus points if you can tell me why when I expose these devices to google home, it sees them but tells me “something went wrong” when I click on them EDIT: Found the problem with google assistant. covers need a secure_devices_pin configured.
- platform: template
name: "Main Garage Door"
id: maingaragedoor
device_class: garage
lambda: |-
if (id(doorclosed).state) {
} else {
return COVER_OPEN;
- if:
binary_sensor.is_off: doorclosed
- logger.log: "Door is already open"
- switch.turn_on: greenLED
- if:
switch.is_on: relay
# just in case someone manually changed it
- switch.turn_off: relay
- delay: 0.5s
# Turn the OPEN switch on briefly
- switch.turn_on: relay
- delay: 0.2s
- switch.turn_off: relay
- switch.turn_off: greenLED
- if:
binary_sensor.is_on: doorclosed
- logger.log: "Door is already closed"
- switch.turn_on: greenLED
- if:
switch.is_on: relay
# just in case someone manually changed it
- switch.turn_off: relay
- delay: 0.5s
# Turn the OPEN switch on briefly
- switch.turn_on: relay
- delay: 0.2s
- switch.turn_off: relay
- switch.turn_off: greenLED
optimistic: true
assumed_state: true
I don’t understand. It should already change the icon based on the current state. Or are you wanting something other than the open/closed garage door icons?
And why do you have these as true? Seems like you already have a way to know whether it’s open or closed. You could also greatly simplify your open and close actions with these false, since it wouldn’t let you try to do an action that doesn’t match the current state.
I am trying to replace icon with a 2-door garage icon. Simply want to instead use mdi:garage-variant and mdi:garage-open-variant.
Thanks for tips on optimistic/assumed state. Not much thought was put into it. I just lifted this from ESPHome customization for NEXX Garage doors deluxe example.
Gotcha. I don’t think that’s possible in ESPHome (without basically doing it all in C++), unfortunately. I think the only way to use dynamic icons for a cover that aren’t included in one of the device class options is to use a template cover in Home Assistant:
Actually kind of a bummer, as I just happen to be working on a project where it’d be nice to have custom icons for some covers but I’d prefer everything to be fully local on the ESP.
I’ll also add that there IS an icon option in ESPHome covers, but that only sets a static icon which isn’t very useful.
Thanks. That’s too bad if it doesn’t work. One thing though, you said its not possible without doing it in C++. Isn’t a lambda function calling in C++?
Would that change the icon in the ESP device web_server (if you’re using that?)
I can change the icon in HA easily enough. I know there’s a dire warning about using web_server in ESPHome devices, but I’ve found it occasionally useful. Having custom icons would be a nice touch.
I see - My hope was to make the cover in ESPHome rather than in configuration.yaml. I am trying to keep everything I can in the UI and everything self-contained. It is otherwise too frustrating when, say two years later, one tries to recall how something was configured when it breaks. Don’t ask me how I know
Thanks, does this give an advantage over the code I had in OP? The cover is showing up just fine (and now I was able troubleshoot and get get it to work in google home) but the custom icons reflecting are not there yet.