CustomUI, dynamically change items displayed

I’ve been struggling with this for a very long time, and as I’m starting to be able to make it work, I thought I would give some information here. Hope this helps.

You’re welcome to add examples in reply.

Here I’ll show to hide/display elements in the front end, depending on some status. Of course, this can be applied to many other attributes (icon, color…), not only “hidden”.
For that, I used to make automations and use the “customizer.set_attribute” action. This works, but it needs 2 automations (one to display, one to hide) and it soon becomes hard to handle. You can also hide tracked devices with the option “hide if away” in the known_devices.yaml file, but this will have an impact on the history.

Example of an automation to hide the camera if zoneminder is off :

- alias: 'ZM Stops'
     platform: state
     entity_id: switch.zmmonitor
     to: 'off'
     - service: customizer.set_attribute
         entity_id: camera.ext_front
         attribute: hidden
         value: 'True'

This can be done with a customize template, but I had a hard time figuring out the syntax.

Let’s start with the easiest one, hide something depending on its very state. This is an example for a media player : hide it if it’s off. This is an extract from a customize.yaml :

  friendly_name: Yamaha Office
    hidden: "return (state === 'off' );"

Note that you’ll need the “===” sign, the “;” at the end of the statement and to protect the string.

If the state isn’t a string and you want to use a numeric state for a comparison, then just use the sign and no cast is necessary.
Example that hides the number of events of a zoneminder camera that has less than 10 events :

hidden: “return (state < 10);”

Last case, you want to change a value from an object, depending on another object state. For instance, show a “turn on” switch for the media player we’ve hidden previously. The switch is displayed only if the entity “media player” is off :

    hidden: "return (entities['media_player.yamaha_office'].state === 'on'); "

Combined with the first example, you’ll see the whole media player when the amplifier is on, but only a switch to turn it on when it’s off.

BTW, I’m using the great Broadlink Ir Media Player by Vassilis that makes using IR codes really easy.


Awesome, thanks for sharing. Can you use wildcards to hide all media players when they are off? That would tidy up my GUI just nicely.

And if you’re not using custom_ui you can do this with groups. It just means you have to make a group for every media_player for instance but it does work…

Sure, it should work the same as any non-template entry. Never tried.

The group hiding works but nested groups are not displaying all items.

I am trying to replicate this and it doesn’t seem to work. Any idea what is wrong?

      hidden: "return (entities['input_boolean.tim_visiting'].state === 'off'); "

I don’t see any errors, the sensor is never hidden.

Did you get this working? I am also trying to use customize.yaml to hide sensors if they have specific state.

I ended up using group visibility which is a bit clunky, but it worked.

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I’ve been away for a while, so sorry for the late answer !

Using now 0.77.3, this approach still works.

Are you using custom_ui and customizer ? Those are needed.