Cut internet connection using ArpSpoof

As i was searching for a way to block internet connectivity on my kids mobile devices using Home-Assistant and without having to install application on it’ i came across this 2 articles.

  1. Cut Internet temporarily in a device in your LAN
  2. Disable internet to any device

both are good and working, but yet, something was missing. so i decided to take a bit from the first one an combine it with part of the second one and came up with very good solution that allows me to “kill” internet connectivity for multiple devices over the network and also undo it.

Yes, i know that using arp spoofing isn’t the best way of doing it and it makes a lot of noise in my local network but hey, it’s working.

so i wrote a howto guide that will simplify the process of doing that.


Pretty cool - old trick too, surprised it still works but definitely fits a need I have, thanks!

Any idea why I’m getting “command not found” on the very last command?

pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo +s /usr/sbin/arpspoof
sudo: +s: command not found


I am interested in using this with pfsense.
Your howto guide url isn’t working. Is it possible to get an updated guide?

I would like to create profile for the kids accounts that could handle multiple devices. (Tablet, computer, TV)
Time base rules also for generic devices like TV’s.

Is it possible for this?
Thank you,

Just checked the link and it’s working.
Anyway, I’m currently working on docker based version with small api in
order to allow inegratin from HA and more…

Well, finally it’s ready.
ArpSpoof docker

Is there a way to do this without using Docker?

Hi @daneboom,
Yes, there is a way but only on linux, not on Windows.
Will write a guide on it.

thank you! Or maybe I can install the docker using portainer and supervised hass ?

Hi Tomer,
Looks great!
I’m running HA with HomeAssistant OS on a pi4.
is there a way to pull it off with my setup?