Hello All:
I am new to ESPHome, but really like it so far. I have been building an app for monitoring a well system with pumps and tank. I have been doing development on a NodeMCU V3 card, but decided to go with a D1 Mini Pro for the external antenna. The version I got only has 4MB of memory, not 16.
I have been unable to connect WiFi. With the onboard ceramic ant, it sees nothing in the log. After moving the jumper, I connected the external ant, and I see a BUNCH of neighboring WiFi, but none of my 3 routers.
I simplified to ONLY the basic configuration built by the wizard, still no go. Finds a bunch, but not mine. I tried D1 Mini, D1 Mini Pro. I then tried the simplest config on the NodeMCU, and it finds/connects just fine. I even tried this compiled version on the D1, same result. So the NodeMCU sees things fine, the D1 Mini does not
I recompiled with every available Arduino framework, same result
I tried changing channels and other settings on one router, no improvement. I was set for B only, ch 6, 20 wide. Tried all protocols, wider channel, and different channels. I would suspect wifi issues if it saw nothing, but it is seeing neighbor wifi. What else can I try, or do I have to use the NodeMCU?
I also tried quick connect, but it could not connect.
It simply does not seem to see my network, but the NodeMCU sees it fine.
Simple Code:
name: trymini
platform: ESP8266
board: d1_mini
arduino_version: latest
ssid: "Andraka"
password: "MyPassword"
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Trymini Fallback Hotspot"
password: "MyPassword"
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "AnotherPassword"
password: "AnotherPassword"
Thank You