D1 Mini Tasmota sensor DS18x20 config

I have flashed a D1 mini with Tasmota sonoff-sensor.bin to be able to read voltage input on A0.

All works fine.

I want to add a DS18x20 temperature sensor to it but it fails to display on the web ui.

Am I missing something obvious in the config?

It is supported by the sensor.bin but I’m probably missing a step.

Any ideas?

How did you add that sensor? Did you use a resistor?

Hi there,

As far as i understand, the DS18x20 is a one-wire sensor, so you should connect it to a digital pin.

I used this in the past in a comparable situation: https://www.instructables.com/id/Remote-Temperature-Monitoring-Using-MQTT-and-ESP82/

Yes, it’s connected to a digital pin. The problem is that no sensor shows up in the Tasmota web UI main menu page. My a0 shows up fine though. Once configured to a pin it should be there even if disconnected, shouldn’t it?

I don’t think the issue is the connection. It’s the configuration. I can’t get a digital pin sensor to show up on the Tasmota web UI main menu page.

use sonoff-sensors.bin if you didnt already

That’s what I am using which is why I find it odd that I can’t configure it the way I need.

