D1 Mini won't connect to wifi after adding pn532 NFC tag reader?

Setup a D1 mini in ESP home, here’s my config file


  name: jukebox

  friendly_name: jukebox


  board: d1_mini

# Enable logging


# Enable Home Assistant API



    key: "xxxx="


  password: "xxxx"


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid

  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails


    ssid: "Jukebox Fallback Hotspot"

    password: "NEFSZhHj5P3B"



  clk_pin: GPIO14

  mosi_pin: GPIO13

  miso_pin: GPIO12



  cs_pin: GPIO15

  update_interval: 1s

D1 will start up and connect to wifi when not attached to the PN532.

PN532 shows power with the LED light.

D1 will connect to wifi when just the ground and 3.3 pins are connected to the pn532.

What am I missing here?

Plug it in to a usb cable so you can get serial logs, then post the logs.

Make sure that GPIO15 is not pulled high on boot - see

or perhaps don’t use GPIO15.

I am not familiar with the PN532, but D8 (GPIO15) is pulled to GND and Boot fails if pulled HIGH.

D1 and D2 (GPIO5 and GPIO4) are safer to use as there are no similar restrictions.

Yeah it wouldn’t spit out any logs at all, just changed it to pin4 and it booted. However it doesn’t appear to be reading any tags…

Moved it to GPIO4 and it booted (and is on wifi now), however the pn532 isn’t responding to tags.

Figured it out, moved to GPIO4. The second step was enabling SPI protocol on PN532 by moving the DIP switch to 0 and 1 positions

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