DAB Esybox (Mini 3)

I’ve recently installed a new water pump which is connected to wifi and has its own app.

I was wondering if somebody already integrated this in homeassistant (I couldn’t immediately find information on the API or others who’ve found ways around).


I have the same pump installed this month. I’m using a smart ZigBee power plug to operate it as I couldn’t find any information on using the inbuilt WiFi with Home Assistant. Hopefully something will turn up.


I’m also looking for an solution.
As flow and consummed water would be interresting information to gather.
I asked to customer service if there was any MQTT or Home Assistant connexion.
If I do get a positive feedback, I will inform you.

For a moment I hoped that I could get the data from GoogleHome as there is a possible connexion, but no information are received.

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I found this link.

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@goosst @Deedzy
I’ve got a first version of a proper HA integration for DAB Pumps (via DConnect) available for testing.

For details, see my post of today (21 December 2023) in the discussion in


I beleive d connect box only works on older dab pumps without wifi build in.

In using the integration with an esybox mini 3 that has wifi.
It works great.

works like a charm, thanks easy box mini 3 with wifi

Goed gevonden!

Thanks for the feedback. it is always good to hear people are happy with it.

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