DAB Pumps integration via DAB Live

At the moment, the DAB Pumps custom integration only supports data retrieval via DConnect, and as a result the subscription to DAB Pumps DConnect is a requirement ($20 a year).

DAB Pumps also has the ‘DAB Live’ app, which is free but not yet supported by the Home Assistant Integration.
At a recent planned service outage of DAB, all of DConnect Website, DConnect App and DAB Live App were offline for a couple of hours. That would potentially indicate that these services are internally based on one and the same backend data system.

I am very interested in investigating the behavior of DAB Live App to see if I can extend functionalily of the DAB Pumps custom integration to also support DAB Live next to DConnect.

However, my own pump (an ESybox) is not supported by DAB Live, so I am stuck with the DConnect subscription anyway. But also means I cannot do any testing with DAB Live.
Other commonly used pumps (for example ESybox mini v3) are supported on DConnect and DAB Live (but apparently not both at the same time).

I am looking for a volunteer with such a pump who is willing to share their DAB Live login credentials with me so I can investigate whether support in the integration would be possible. Whoever reads this and is willing to do that, please send me a private message via these community pages, or contact me via email ‘info at anko dot co dot nz’ to discuss.

Volunteer found who has DAB Live, but simultaneously also still seems to have a valid DConnect subscription. First tests look so promising that there is a good chance that DAB Live support will actually already work with integration v2024.03.9 (but not with versions before that).

Still seeking for a volunteer who has DAB Live but never subscribed to DConnect, to test the DAB Pumps integration with their DAB Live credentials (or share their credentials with me so that I can confirm this).

One kind new user (you know who you are!) has now gone through the steps of getting and setting up the DAB Live app for their pump, and then using that account to configure the HA integration for DAB Pumps. And it all works fine!

I’ve adapted the readme of the Dab Pumps integration to reflect the steps needed.
If you have a pump that is supported for DAB Live (i.e. ESybox.mini3) then:

  • Download the DAB Live app on your phone or tablet

  • Open the app and create a new account. When asked between ‘Professional’ or ‘End User’ either are good, this has no implications on the app or the Home Assistant Integration.

  • Remember the email address and password for the account as these are needed during setup of this Home Assistant integration.

  • Follow the steps in the app to register your pump

  • Finally, setup the Home Assistant integration via the steps as described in the readme under Installation

Good day. Apologies to climb in here but finding it hard to get the right info. I am looking at purchasing a dab Esybox 1.1kw. It does not seem to be supported by dab live. Will I need to also purchase a dconnect box in order to integrate this via the dconnect app?

Yes, you are correct. For remote monitoring, the Esybox 1.1kw unfortunately is not supported in DAB Live, only via a paid DAB DConnect account.
And for the Esybox to be able to send its data to the DConnect portal it needs a DConnect box.

Bonjour ankoh,
je ne trouve pas l’integration pour DAB dans HA. Il porte quel nom?
J’ai déjà mon compte live et débute sur HA.

Hi Patrick,
At this moment the integration is not yet directly available in HA. But you can add it as a ‘custom integration’.
Just follow the steps as described in the readme on GitHub - ankohanse/hass-dab-pumps: Home Assistant Custom Integration for DAB Pumps via the DAB Live or DConnect service

Sorry, that readme is only available in english and not in french

Kind regards,