Dafang setup 2 cameras not working. Only see 1 in HA interface


When i add the config under. I only can see 1 cam i HA inferface. If i delete 1 of the camera in YALM file. I can se one off them. So i know that both are working. But not on the same time? Why?

In my configuration.yalm


  • platform: generic
    name: DAFANG1
    username: root
    authentication: basic
    still_image_url: https://IP/cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi
    verify_ssl: false
    scan_interval: 5


  • platform: generic
    name: DAFANG
    username: root
    authentication: basic
    still_image_url: https://IP/cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi
    verify_ssl: false
    scan_interval: 5

HA inferface

camera_image: camera.dafang1
entities: []
title: Stue
type: picture-glance

camera_image: camera.dafang
entities: []
title: Kjokken
type: picture-glance

Check how to format your code

Next : you can’t define camera: twice. Just add the second camera underneath the first one

Thanks a lot. It works:)

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