I just activated the debug as you indicated. To do this I had to do a new docker compose up -d
and thanks to this it has generated the alert message, as if someone were ringing, which has allowed me to realize that this happens every time the Docker container “Dahua-MQTT” restarts (the time stamp match the shutdown of the Docker container in Proxmox to make a backup (about 2 AM).
But a restart of the docker container shouldn’t generate a message as if someone rings the bell? Am I right?
By the way, time zone is not properly right, it shows one or two hours less than the right one. 16:25 instead of 18:25 (but I’m not worried about that)
Hereby the debug log while restarting the container:
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.**BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'CallNoAnswered/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'CallNoAnswered', 'Data': {'CallID': '5', 'IsEncryptedStream': False, 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'LockNum': 2, 'SupportPaas': False, 'TCPPort': 37777, 'UTC': 1693499139.0, 'UserID': '9901'}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': {}, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}**
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'CallNoAnswered', 'Data': {'CallID': '5', 'IsEncryptedStream': False, 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'LockNum': 2, 'SupportPaas': False, 'TCPPort': 37777, 'UTC': 1693499139.0, 'UserID': '9901'}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': {}, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'DoorNotClosed/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'DoorNotClosed', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'Name': 'Door', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/DoorNotClosed/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'DoorNotClosed', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'Name': 'Door', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'HangupPhone/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'HangupPhone', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,740 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/HangupPhone/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'HangupPhone', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'IgnoreInvite/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'IgnoreInvite', 'Data': {'CallID': '5', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/IgnoreInvite/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'IgnoreInvite', 'Data': {'CallID': '5', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'UTC': 1693499139.0}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'ProfileAlarmTransmit/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'ProfileAlarmTransmit', 'Data': {'AlarmType': 'DoorMagnetism', 'DevSrcType': 'Digit', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'SenseMethod': 'DoorMagnetism', 'UTC': 1693419865, 'UserID': '8001'}, 'Index': 8001, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/ProfileAlarmTransmit/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'ProfileAlarmTransmit', 'Data': {'AlarmType': 'DoorMagnetism', 'DevSrcType': 'Digit', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'SenseMethod': 'DoorMagnetism', 'UTC': 1693419865, 'UserID': '8001'}, 'Index': 8001, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'RtspSessionDisconnect/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'RtspSessionDisconnect', 'Data': {'Device': '', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'StreamType': 'Extra1', 'UTC': 1693499139.0, 'UserAgent': ' go2rtc\\/1.6.2'}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:25:39,741 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/RtspSessionDisconnect/Event: {'Action': 'Start', 'Code': 'RtspSessionDisconnect', 'Data': {'Device': '', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:25:39', 'StreamType': 'Extra1', 'UTC': 1693499139.0, 'UserAgent': ' go2rtc\\/1.6.2'}, 'Index': 0, 'Param': None, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:26:15,658 DEBUG clients.DahuaAPI Data received: {'id': 8, 'method': 'client.notifyEventStream', 'params': {'SID': 513, 'eventList': [{'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:15', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499175.0}, 'Index': 0}]}, 'session': 974827207}
2023-08-31 16:26:15,658 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'SIPRegisterResult/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:15', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499175.0}, 'Index': 0, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:26:15,658 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/SIPRegisterResult/Event: {'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:15', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499175.0}, 'Index': 0, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:26:16,697 DEBUG clients.DahuaAPI Data received: {'id': 8, 'method': 'client.notifyEventStream', 'params': {'SID': 513, 'eventList': [{'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'Date': '31-08-2023 17:26:16', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:16', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499176.0}, 'Index': 0}]}, 'session': 974827207}
2023-08-31 16:26:16,697 DEBUG clients.BaseClient MQTTClient Event received, Data: {'event': 'SIPRegisterResult/Event', 'payload': {'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'Date': '31-08-2023 17:26:16', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:16', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499176.0}, 'Index': 0, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}}
2023-08-31 16:26:16,697 DEBUG clients.MQTTClient Publishing MQTT message DahuaVTO/SIPRegisterResult/Event: {'Action': 'Pulse', 'Code': 'SIPRegisterResult', 'Data': {'Date': '31-08-2023 17:26:16', 'LocaleTime': '2023-08-31 17:26:16', 'Success': True, 'UTC': 1693499176.0}, 'Index': 0, 'serialNumber': '9C072E4PAJDCDBA'}
2023-08-31 16:26:34,197 DEBUG clients.DahuaAPI Keep alive
2023-08-31 16:26:34,215 DEBUG clients.DahuaAPI Data received: {'id': 9, 'params': {'timeout': 55}, 'result': True, 'session': 974827207}
Thanks again!