Dahua VTO to MQTT Broker

I don’t know, where can i found invite event

Can you post the log of DahuaVTO2MQTT once you’ve clicked the buttons?


Here it is. I push all for buttons with no answer.

2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:53:14”,“State”:0,“UTC”:1599411194}}
2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 0
2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:53:14”,“Status”:“Off”,“UTC”:1599411194}}
2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout Event KeepLightOff
2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Stop”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:53:14”,“UTC”:1599411194}}
2020-09-06 15:53:14 stdout Event VideoBlind stopped
2020-09-06 15:53:13 stdout keepAlive back
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:42”,“Status”:“On”,“UTC”:1599411162}}
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout Event KeepLightOn
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:42”,“UTC”:1599411162}}
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout Event VideoBlind started
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“CallID”:“27”,“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:42”,“UTC”:1599411162}}
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout Event Call from VTO
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:42”,“State”:1,“UTC”:1599411162}}
2020-09-06 15:52:43 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 1
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:37”,“State”:0,“UTC”:1599411157}}
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 0
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:37”,“Status”:“Off”,“UTC”:1599411157}}
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout Event KeepLightOff
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Stop”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:37”,“UTC”:1599411157}}
2020-09-06 15:52:38 stdout Event VideoBlind stopped
2020-09-06 15:52:11 stdout keepAlive back
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:06”,“Status”:“On”,“UTC”:1599411126}}
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout Event KeepLightOn
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:06”,“UTC”:1599411126}}
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout Event VideoBlind started
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“CallID”:“26”,“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:06”,“UTC”:1599411126}}
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout Event Call from VTO
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:52:06”,“State”:1,“UTC”:1599411126}}
2020-09-06 15:52:06 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 1
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:51:16”,“State”:0,“UTC”:1599411076}}
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 0
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:51:16”,“Status”:“Off”,“UTC”:1599411076}}
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout Event KeepLightOff
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Stop”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:51:16”,“UTC”:1599411076}}
2020-09-06 15:51:17 stdout Event VideoBlind stopped
2020-09-06 15:51:11 stdout keepAlive back
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:45”,“Status”:“On”,“UTC”:1599411045}}
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout Event KeepLightOn
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:45”,“UTC”:1599411045}}
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout Event VideoBlind started
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“CallID”:“25”,“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:45”,“UTC”:1599411045}}
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout Event Call from VTO
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:45”,“State”:1,“UTC”:1599411045}}
2020-09-06 15:50:46 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 1
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:14”,“State”:0,“UTC”:1599411014}}
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 0
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:14”,“Status”:“Off”,“UTC”:1599411014}}
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout Event KeepLightOff
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Stop”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:50:14”,“UTC”:1599411014}}
2020-09-06 15:50:14 stdout Event VideoBlind stopped
2020-09-06 15:50:09 stdout keepAlive back
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/KeepLightOn/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:49:42”,“Status”:“On”,“UTC”:1599410982}}
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout Event KeepLightOn
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/VideoBlind/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:49:42”,“UTC”:1599410982}}
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout Event VideoBlind started
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Start”,“Data”:{“CallID”:“24”,“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:49:42”,“UTC”:1599410982}}
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout Event Call from VTO
2020-09-06 15:49:44 stdout MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“LocaleTime”:“2020-09-06 17:49:42”,“State”:1,“UTC”:1599410982}}
2020-09-06 15:49:43 stdout Event BackKeyLight with State 1
2020-09-06 15:49:05 stdout keepAlive back

@bar do you remove your repo for ha addon?


I removed it since I’m not using hass.io version no more (just ha docker), I couldn’t make it to get build once 9nly during installation,
Will get it back in few days (hopefully today, but can’t promise)


Hey guys,

Took me a few days for this noob but managed to get a docker for windows running to run this code. 2 days ago I didn’t even know what MQTT was!

I’m running from powershell cli “docker-compose -f vtorun.yaml up”

Its posting to the mcsMQTT broker plugin running on homeseer. Yes I’m from the dark side :smiley:

Looks good but it seems like the MQTT published messages are delayed or a bit hit and miss? Should’nt I see MQTT msgs from the VTO instantly? In the power cli sometimes the msgs come through delayed. I’m stuck on this one :frowning:

I’m trying to trigger based of @Quindor guide MQTT topic DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Even with payload 0 = off and 1 = On. Doorbell press so I can trigger something. Following his guide but trying to make it work for Homeseer.

My yaml config

version: '2'
    image: "eladbar/dahuavto2mqtt:latest"
    container_name: "dahuavto2mqtt"
    hostname: "dahuavto2mqtt"
    restart: always
      - DAHUA_VTO_USERNAME=dummyuser
      - DAHUA_VTO_PASSWORD=dummypass
      - MQTT_BROKER_PORT=1883
dahuavto2mqtt    | Event Call from VTO
dahuavto2mqtt    | MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/CallNoAnswered/Event, Payload: {"Action":"Start","Data":{"CallID":"8","IsEncryptedStream":false,"LocaleTime":"2020-09-15 15:16:09","LockNum":2,"SupportPaas":false,"TCPPort":37777,"UTC":1600146969,"UserID":"9901"}}
dahuavto2mqtt    | Event: Invite,  Action , CallID 8 Lock Number 2
dahuavto2mqtt    | MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/Invite/Event, Payload: {"Action":"Pulse","Data":{"CallID":"8","IsEncryptedStream":false,"LocaleTime":"2020-09-15 15:16:09","LockNum":2,"SupportPaas":false,"TCPPort":37777,"UTC":1600146969,"UserID":"9901"}}
dahuavto2mqtt    | Event BackKeyLight with State 1
dahuavto2mqtt    | MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {"Action":"Pulse","Data":{"LocaleTime":"2020-09-15 15:16:09","State":1,"UTC":1600146969}}
dahuavto2mqtt    | Event BackKeyLight with State 2
dahuavto2mqtt    | MQTT message published, Topic: DahuaVTO/BackKeyLight/Event, Payload: {"Action":"Pulse","Data":{"LocaleTime":"2020-09-15 15:16:09","State":2,"UTC":1600146969}}

restored the repo


If you have a second VTO then I would have to create a second dahuavtomqtt docker container and point to the second VTO IP?

Just confirming :slight_smile:

I guess you are right, please let us know how it works, I will try that in 2 months

Im trying to add this intergration to my Home Assistant but i keep coming across this error…

Failed to publish MQTT message due to timeout, Topic: DahuaVTO/SIPRegisterResult/Event, Payload: {“Action”:“Pulse”,“Data”:{“Date”:“05-10-2020 16:04:04”,“LocaleTime”:“2020-10-05 16:04:04”,“Success”:true,“UTC”:1601913844}}
Connection failed! (Error: 0x20 0x05)

First time using MQTT or anything like that so i am a newbie!!


According to the issue, your MQTT server cannot be connected by the docker,
Which version of MQTT protocol are you using?

New version released with:

  • Added deviceType and serialNumber to MQTT message’s payload
  • Improved connection to one time instead of per message
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I got it working thanks!!

Apologies for the delay. Did you get it working? I ended up removing the integration from home assistant and running it on docker. Much better solution. I have 4 x VTOs with 4 different docker containers. It works really well

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Getting quick disconection of the client:

1603051324: New connection from on port 1883.
[INFO] found mqtt on Home Assistant
1603051325: New client connected from as dahua-vto-dahuavto (p1, c1, k10, u’mqtt’).
1603051355: Client dahua-vto-dahuavto has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.

What might be the reason for such quick disconnect?

I have the same problem, can’t figure out what’s the issue for the redirects. It used to work perfectly…

It looks that in recent vesion there is an issue. Previous one does work.

How did you install an older version? I couldn’t find how to do that with docker-compose.

I just found older fork on github, however I’m convinced that @bar can help us here (returning to “per message” connection type. or there is othe reason why the connection is dropped…

I will return it later this week, although it works for me without an issue