Daikin AC Integration BRP069C4x

Ciao Rospogrigio, I use your integration from the beginning and never had a problem with it, so a big grazie for your work.
Just a little “cosmetical” question: could you stick the Daikin logo in your integration so that it will appear in the integraion page…Schermata 2022-04-13 alle 17.47.56
It’s a pity to have such a great integration appearing so anonymous.
Grazie ancora per il tuo lavoro.

Would love but… I just can’t. This is because mine is not an official integration. The logo can’t be put there by developers, I could submit the repository to be included in HACS and then I could upload a logo but since it’s not official, it can’t be the “official” Daikin logo (I already passed through this with my other integration, LocalTuya).
Thank you for the compliments, I’m glad to have made a good service for a lot of users :wink:


Yes, you are right. It is better to keep it as it is.

Just had an vision of making pydaikin universal for “all” Daikin models.

Ah ok…I understand…nevermind, the importat thing is that is working like a charm…

Hi everybody, and thanks @rospogrigio for your job.
Does anybody know if the integration works with modules BRP069A43 and BRP069A42?
Those are the ones compatible with my air conditioners.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,


Just wanted to add more details regarding my situation and local API availability on the AZAI wifi modules. I found this information in another thread:

Hi folks! I finally came to the solution after some thorough reading of Daikin’s support documentation. In short, AZAI6WSCDKA and AZAI6WSDKB do not support local connections at all - they are only able to connect through Daikin’s cloud services. Only the AZAI6WSPDKC supports local connections via port 3000, and I’m happy to report that I have purchased it and successfully connected it! Any Daikin hardware must be “DKN plus” in order to have a local connection.

I personally have the “B” model and it definitely does not support a local API server.

I would consider buying the “C” model, but the form factor is bigger with ports sticking out. I barely got the “B” model to fit under the mini-split cover – I’m sure the “C” wouldn’t fit. And since this is for an Airbnb, I don’t want unsightly wires and modules on the wall next to my units.

So for now, I don’t have a good solution. I can go with the “C” modules, but then have an aesthetics problem. I can stick with “B”, but without an HA cloud integration, I’m stuck using the DKN Cloud NA app and can’t do HA control/automations. If only I could find a source that actually has the old BRP modules in stock.


I can’t seem to login, this is the full error:

Logger: custom_components.daikin_residential.config_flow
Source: custom_components/daikin_residential/config_flow.py:58
Integration: Daikin Residential Controller ([documentation](https://github.com/rospogrigio/daikin_residential/), [issues](https://github.com/rospogrigio/daikin_residential/issues))
First occurred: 10:52:27 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:52:27
Failed to retrieve Access Token: ('Error trying to extract API version: %s', SSLError(MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='cdns.gigya.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /js/gigya.js?apiKey=3_xRB3jaQ62bVjqXU1omaEsPDVYC0Twi1zfq1zHPu_5HFT0zWkDvZJS97Yw1loJnTm (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1129)')))")))

It looks like there’s some SSL problem, but the certificate of cdns.gigya.com seems OK to me. In the meantime, while this issue is investigated further, is there any way to bypass SSL verification, as I can check it by myself and see that it is okay to continue even if the software isn’t able to?

Hello everyone,

I have read this thread and I am glad to see that for a year or so, there is a custom integration which allow to connect HA to the latest Daikin units.

Before, I make the step and buy my own AC unit, I would like to have some feedback from those who use the custom integration daily.

How is your experience so far ? Does it work flawlessly ? Or is it more a hack which offer a ok-ish/poor user experience ?
If given the choice, would you buy Daikin again or would you go for a brand which offer a better integration ?

Thank you for your help.

Works flowless. I now use it everyday so no problem :slight_smile:
I would buy the daikin again because it works fine!

Same here. Works flawless.
Even extended my system with 3 more Daikins and a fourth one coming up (total of 7 then).

Only downside - as is typical with a cloud based integration - no internet means no access to them (not directly, not via automation, …).
But that’s not the fault of the plugin, but the fact that Daikin no longer offers local API on the newer models.

So really great work done on this by the maker!

I have two BRP069B41 which have FW version 1.2.54 I set them up initially with the Daikin Online Controller IOS app. They work with HA and Homebridge etc in LAN mode.

I just found another Daikin app called ONECTA. It requires to update the firmware to version 1.14.68 and also warns once you update the firmware you can’t go back to the old app.

Does it keep the local control after the update or it becomes cloud-only after?
I prefer the possibility of local control, so I wont update if it looses that ablity. If it just does not work with the old app but I still can control it locally that’s OK.
Did anyone try that?

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Same question. Anyone?

From what I read in the past: if you do the update you loose the local API…

I have the BRP069B45 controller, I did the update that the new Onecta app required and I have retained the local functionality. All good here. The B-designated controllers should retain the LAN control.

Thank you for the info. I updated my BRP069B41 to 1.14.68 and I can confirm it still works locally too.

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As of today I get an error from the daikin integration:

“Setup failed for custom integration daikin_residential: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘Mapping’ from ‘collections’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/collections/init.py)”

Anything I can do about? Looks to me like the integration uses a now deprecated way of this mapping?

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Same here. Related to the 2022.7.0 release, in which Python was updated.

2022.7.0 broke the Daikin integration and the sonoff integration

for Daikin i have “Setup failed for custom integration daikin_residential: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘Mapping’ from ‘collections’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/collections/init.py)”

Quick edit: the solution seems simple.
Whereven it says from collections import mapping.
Change it to collections.abc import mapping.

However I can’t find the file where I need to change it…

thank you for the quick fix