Daikin AC Integration BRP069C4x

I have two BRP069B41 which have FW version 1.2.54 I set them up initially with the Daikin Online Controller IOS app. They work with HA and Homebridge etc in LAN mode.

I just found another Daikin app called ONECTA. It requires to update the firmware to version 1.14.68 and also warns once you update the firmware you can’t go back to the old app.

Does it keep the local control after the update or it becomes cloud-only after?
I prefer the possibility of local control, so I wont update if it looses that ablity. If it just does not work with the old app but I still can control it locally that’s OK.
Did anyone try that?

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Same question. Anyone?

From what I read in the past: if you do the update you loose the local API…

I have the BRP069B45 controller, I did the update that the new Onecta app required and I have retained the local functionality. All good here. The B-designated controllers should retain the LAN control.

Thank you for the info. I updated my BRP069B41 to 1.14.68 and I can confirm it still works locally too.

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As of today I get an error from the daikin integration:

“Setup failed for custom integration daikin_residential: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘Mapping’ from ‘collections’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/collections/init.py)”

Anything I can do about? Looks to me like the integration uses a now deprecated way of this mapping?

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Same here. Related to the 2022.7.0 release, in which Python was updated.

2022.7.0 broke the Daikin integration and the sonoff integration

for Daikin i have “Setup failed for custom integration daikin_residential: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘Mapping’ from ‘collections’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/collections/init.py)”

Quick edit: the solution seems simple.
Whereven it says from collections import mapping.
Change it to collections.abc import mapping.

However I can’t find the file where I need to change it…

thank you for the quick fix


This change has to be done in {wherever the lib is} /lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorboard/_vendor/html5lib/_trie/_base.py

Any hints how to get to that lib in HA@docker?

Same thing with me as well. I cannot even restart the HA because of this. Any workaround?

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After replacing the files with the new ones from the update posted above, you need to remove your configuration for it (cut them) from your configuration.yaml.

Then you’ll be able to restart with the updated version.

Then paste back your lines into configuration.yaml and reboot again. All will work again and you’ll have lost nothing.

In your first setup you had to reboot as well before adding the lines into configuration.yaml. Remembering that was the clue that led to the solution for me :wink:

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@rospogrigio Thank you so much for the quick fix!!! I love this community.

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Hi all,
Any suggestions? From today I have this problem

2022-07-18 23:17:42 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.daikin_residential.config_flow] Failed to retrieve Access Token: (‘Failed to retrieve access token: %s’, IATError(‘Issued in the future’))

Many Tnx

Check that all your devices are synched to the same time source.

@Stooovie, @id001 Did you get Energy Consumption sensors working with BRP069B41? I try 1.2.54 and 1.14.68 firmware’s and Today's Total Energy Consumption and Cool Energy Consumption always show 0.1 kWh or 0 kWh and I test it in few AC’s.

http://ip/aircon/get_day_power_ex shows correct values like in this post and if I calculate it manually I get same result as Daikin Controller or ONECTA App.

No, the power consumption sensors are still not working correctly. There was some debate about it on this forum and GitHub but it never amounted to anything.

"Compressor Frequency" missing.

I have several Daikin AC units with adapter BRP069B* and all is working right with the Daikin Integration using the local API.

But now, I have installed a new Daikin unit with the BRP069C* adapter that only works with the new cloud API. I have installed the Daikin Residential Integration from Rospogrigio and everything is working.

BUT I miss the access to the “Compressor Frequency” that was using in the previous local API integration. I find it very valuable for me when follow the compressor power level and diagnosing some resonance vibrations that sometimes appear in the installation. (Fighting with the installer…)


Is “Compressor Frequency” available in the new Daikin Cloud API?

Was it there in the @Appolon77 access library, and was bypassed in the @Rospogrigio integration?

Any chance to access “Compressor Frequency” with the new “C” adapter with the Cloud API?

Using cloud here, no compressor frequency available. It’s not in the official app so probably not part of the public api