I have a Daikin split system with a number of indoor units all configured and working perfectly for the last few years, using the HA Daikin integration.
For the last 3 days one unit has mysteriously turned on close to sunset (but not at sunset or within a fixed time). The event log shows “Changed to Heat triggered by service Climate: Turn on”.
Now, I have no scenes, scripts or automations using this system. I have no UI interface that would result in this message (when I turn it on in the interface I get “service: Set HVAC Mode” not “service: Turn on”.
The log is empty since it doesn’t result in a warning or error, so I am somewhat stumped what to do.
I’ve looked in the Daikin app and there are no schedules set up. The Daikin guy came and serviced he unit the day before this started to happen so it does look odd.
However the message “Changed to Heat triggered by service Climate: Turn on” seems to imply it is being switched on by Home Assistant. If I just use the Daikin remote control I get just a simple message “Changed to Heat/Cool” when the device is next polled.
I am going to disable all automations and see if that stops it (I have very few and only simple automations and no scenes). Failing that I’ll shut down Home Assistant.
Nope. It’s just reporting what happened. If it was by home assistant you would see more context, like an automation, script or user that caused it. Admittedly it is a confusing message.
Further developments. I have confirmed there are no scheduled on/off events in the Daikin system, and have reset the air conditioning unit. I have hidden the remote.
The device continues to turn on shortly after sunset. The time changes by ~1 minute per day (but is not consistent with Home Assistant Sunset, which advances only ~30 seconds per day).
Tonight I switched off my Home Assistant server. The AC unit did NOT turn on automatically. This proves that it is HA that is triggering the turn on service.
I have already disabled HA automations and scripts. So most peculiar mama.
Open to suggestions. Maybe delete the Daikin integration and re-install. But I have 10 of these units and ir would play havoc with my setup.