I just purchased a Daikin air conditioner FTKZ12VV2S specifically because it had built in WiFi.
My fathers house has a Daikin WiFi air conditioner and it was really easy to access the local API so I thought I wouldn’t have any problems integrating it with Home Assistant.
Unfortunately I set it up via the Daikin app and straight away upgraded the firmware, I can’t figure out how to control it via WiFi using anything other than the Daikin app.
Seems to be a single chipe, which states :
Model Type 1YA SS3404019
The board states :
E88441 OS-2S
Would anyone know if this the infamous C-series or am I lucky and is it his an A or B ?
It is clearly different to the B-series from my other Stylish units though.
And if this is a C-series, are there any replacement A or B units that would fit the same size ?
It’s a C-series unfortunately. Same as with mine. I’m currently looking into this again and the Faikin ESP32 looks very good or using “official hardware” would be something like BRP069B42 + EKRS21 connected to the S21 Port.
The problem with the BRP069B42 is that it’s quite bulky and won’t fit inside the Emura. Does anyone have experience swapping the C-series with the A-series that is inside the Stylish ?
I don’t know if your units are compatible, but have you looked at the Faikin alternative? They are really tiny.
I just got mine from the UK (I had to use a reshipper to the US) and they are clearly superior to the stock Daikin units. They support MQTT and automatically get discovered in Home Assistant:
I am probably going to sell my original wifi modules as they originally cost $50 each, but now go for over $400 on ebay because the new ones are cloud-only.
If I am interpreting it correctly, you should be able to replace that module with an open-source Faikin.
Wait, I did some more digging, and it seems that connector is smaller than the jst ehr-5 but your unit should have a X50A connector somewhere on it, which you can also wire into the Faikin controller, or a S403 which should work, but requires more careful effort as that connector has communication and high-voltage pins on it.
I have a Stylish B-model (very recently bought, matt black), with the new BRP069B4x WiFi module. Fortunately, it works with HA, so the note on the integration page is not (completely) correct.
Just had to provide the local-ip to the integration, nothing else.
I bumped into this thread, looking for a solution. I tried this one, but my devices don’t appear. Looks like an issue with the HACS integration, saw an issue logged in GitHub.
So as far as I can see and found out, I have no way to connect to my Daikin (C module) right now, nor local, nor cloud. Hopefully Daikin does something about it…
“We at Daikin Belgium and also Daikin Europe believe that there should be a local API for connection with home automation systems such as HA. Unfortunately Japan is a little more closed and they don’t agree.”
Wouldn’t DAIKIN need to make their API open to their end customers by the forthcoming EU Data Act?
I have the faikin sollution I did it first with wire by wire connection but it stoped working i find the wright connector on ali express it fits not for 100% but it fits it is called the https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006291181398.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.23.ccaa79d2bxuR8O&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld
not expensive!
but also with the new connector i cant get the unit online? i aske the maker of the faikin on this how to trublle shut who can assit? it looks like the unit is not sending data to the the airco how can I diagnose this signal I double checked the wires can it be the case that cable is to long? now cable is 90 cm can that be the issue? an one an idea it shows the webpage and cant set parameters but not 0/1 wont go to 1
thx jd
Hi all,
I developed a basic daikin to MQTT app that works with firmware 2.9.0
At the moment this is very basic, but it does the trick for me while the official integration is upgraded.
This relies on having a working mqtt set up for Home Assistant.
Also if someone with better coding skills wants to take this next level, you are very welcome to: daikin_mqtt