Daikin Madoka BRC1H bluetooth custom component

Still working ok, havent dropped the connection one time since January :slight_smile:


I tested on a pi3b+ , HomeAssistant core-2021.5.0 , Home Assistant OS 5.13.
It doesn’t work because the bluetooth stack is broken. it is not asking the keyring code to pair the device.
a normal transaction should be :

Request confirmation
[agent] Confirm passkey 630200 (yes/no): [CHG] Device 00:CC:3F:D8:12:F5 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 00:CC:3F:D8:12:F5 Paired: yes

But on this version the passkey is not show. so the device doesn’t pair.

Device 00:CC:3F:D8:12:F5 (public)
	Name: UE878 RF MODULE
	Alias: UE878 RF MODULE
	Paired: no
	Trusted: no
	Blocked: no
	Connected: yes
	LegacyPairing: no
	UUID: Generic Access Profile    (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: Device Information        (0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
	UUID: Vendor specific           (2141e100-213a-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77)
	UUID: Vendor specific           (2141e110-213a-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77)
	Modalias: usb:v06E7p7031d0110
	ManufacturerData Key: 0x0093
	ManufacturerData Value:
  0e e0                                            .
type or paste code here

The component is working without issues under HomeAssistant core (core-2021.5.3) on HassOS 5.13 virtualized in Intel Nuc host. I am using a dedicated external bluetooth dongle.

Have you tried using dedicated hardware? Could it be broken just in Raspberry Pi?

Same here, working with dedicated BT adapter on Intel NUC with proxmox and virtual HA (OS 5.13, Core 2021.5.4, Supervisor 2021.04.3). :wink:

yes, I tried with a dedicated hardware bluetooth.
the tried version is :
Core Version : core-2021.5.5
Operating System : Home Assistant OS 5.13
I believe the bluetooth stack of the OS is not responding like other OS.
I Tried with a raspian OS and it’s ok to pair the Madoka devices with the bluetooth to the Pi3+

at the end I get a paired system following the advice in HomeAssistantMadoka’s github issue
But I give up because at the end I get the service unavailable :

Note : My Madoka’s version is BRC1HHDAW , Not sure that I could get something with the heater Daikin installed in my home.
Perhaps , there are some differents version of Madoka with a different protocol


First of all, thanks for your work!

I have problems pairing with madoka. I run HA in a raspberry 4 with:
Home Assistant OS 5.13

This is the terminal:

[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller <OTHER_MAC> Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device <MADOKA_MAC> Daikin
[bluetooth]# scan off
Discovery stopped
[CHG] Device <MADOKA_MAC> RSSI is nil
[CHG] Controller <OTHER_MAC> Discovering: no
[bluetooth]# pair <MADOKA_MAC>
Attempting to pair with <MADOKA_MAC>
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationFailed
[DEL] Device <MADOKA_MAC> Daikin

In the madoka thermostat no pairing code appears :frowning:

Any ideas are welcome!

Other users have reported they were able to pair after switching core version to RC 6 (BT support seems broken for Rpi in previous versions).

Also, make sure you use the KeyboardDisplay agent or the authorization may fail.


I have just updated to core-2021.6.0 and tr again as soon as I can.


Did any of you try to update to OS6.0? It broke my Daikin integration. Home Assistant says setup.py not found.

Edit “manifest.json” file and add the following line: “version”: “0.1”.
Also make sure the requirements points to the latest version of pymadoka (0.2.4):
“requirements”: [“pymadoka==0.2.4”],

Worked perfectly, thank you :slight_smile:

I’m still having this problem even though I’m in version core-2021.6.3. Also I got:

[bluetooth]# agent KeyboardDisplay
Agent is already registered

Should I do anything else to use the KeyboardDisplay agent?

Thanks in advance

Try removing the default agent first.

agent off
agent KeyboardDisplay

The last 2 weeks i also discover, that the addon stops responding. When I in lovelace choose “cool” it just goes back tp “off” and do not start. When i restart HA it starts working again. But many times I also have to press “cool” 2 times before it reacts. Any clue where to look for logs/problems? HA have many of theese:

Update of sensor.brc1h_87_9e_e2 is taking over 10 seconds

9.58.26 – (ADVARSEL) helpers/entity.py - beskeden forekom først kl. 9.53.53 og ses 11 gange

Updating daikin_madoka sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30

9.57.44 – (ADVARSEL) Sensor - beskeden forekom først kl. 9.54.43 og ses 4 gange

I get a lot of other errors also. Let me know if you want me to post on github instead.

Those seem to be just warnings related to the time it takes to update the status of the device. HA doesn’t like when it takes long but there isn’t much we can do to improve the speed of a serial connection over bluetooth.

Regarding the double tap on cold mode, I don’t know. How many devices are you controlling? You may check the comms with Ha with btmon and see if any error happens there.

You can also try the pymadoka CLI (the device has to be removed from HA because they would race to parse the device responses and lead to misbehaviour)

Two clients could be racing for the bluetooth-serial responses from the thermostat and some message mismatching could appear. You can try to log the bluetooth messages using hcidump. Make sure you are able to identify the moment in which you command the thermostat so we can identify the chain of messages.

  1. Find the homeassistant docker instance with “docker ps”.
  2. Run docker exec -ti <docker_instace_id> /bin/bash
  3. Run hcidump
  4. Interact with the thermostat using homeassistant
  5. For every “< ACL data”, there should be a "> ACL data. The first one is the command sent to the device, the second one the response. The values should be pretty similar except for the trailing bytes. If there is some value that does not match the previous one, another client is racing for the messages or some messages may be lost.


I’m dead keen to see if I can support this effort in any way. Wondering if code on github is the latest, Using it and latest HA it’s not loading the configuration file (after fixing the requisite 'Version" issue)


Got it working (and its brilliant), not quite sure what the success was however a few points for anyone trying it out.

  • I still have no text / error messages (see screenshot above) but MAC address in the text field and hci1 in the second last
  • External USB made BT signal much stronger (Mac Mini running VMWare + Homeassistant)
  • MAC address appears to be case sensitive? (use all caps)
  • latest homeassistant does not include hcitool. when plugging in the new usb bluetooth adapter a message confirmed new BT adapter was hci1

Good luck,

Thanks for this awesome module


I am glad that you got it working. I have been on holidays so away from the computer for some time…

This custom component is no longer maintained. I forked homeassistant repo and added the code to the main branch hoping it would become an official integration. However, the pull request is still pending for approval so not ready yet.

In any case, the code from this repo is completely updated. It does not differ much from the custom_component, just added tests and removed the localization files.

Regarding the messages, I think your installation is missing the translation files or something must have changed in HA since I created the integration. In custom components it is possible to add translations by hand.

I will look into the macs case-sensitiveness to prevent errors. As a rule of thumb, they should match the way they are returned by the underlying bleak library.