I’m a new HA user and have been waiting for the 0.111.0 update to land so I could set up the SkyFi integration. If it matters, running on a bright shiny new RPi4, with HassOS 4.10, python_version 3.7.7, supervisor 227, and just installed version 0.111.0 this morning AU time.
I can’t be sure of the model of skyfi I have as it was never sold with a code - but from https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/daikin/ it should be the AU SkyFi unit (the very early one, now discontinued, that the SkyFi app works against). This one presents the zones in the app, and they can be toggled.
When I set up the integration once the update was applied, I can now see the unit, can see it’s on or off, can see the internal and external temperature sensors, so that’s all good… but what I can’t see is zones. The above link says that the integration should expose switches, but mine aren’t detected.
Not really knowing much about HA nor the integration, not really sure how to start diagnosing from here - happy to take suggestions!
Update of sensor.daikin_ac_inside_temperature is taking over 10 seconds
10:28:55 AM – __main__.py (WARNING) - message first occurred at 7:53:28 AM and shows up 48 times
Connection failed for <ip>:2000
10:26:45 AM – Daikin AC (WARNING) - message first occurred at 8:38:13 AM and shows up 3 times
Update for climate.daikin_ac fails
9:35:53 AM – components/daikin/__init__.py (ERROR)
Updating daikin climate took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:01:00
9:34:57 AM – Climate (WARNING) - message first occurred at 9:31:54 AM and shows up 4 times
Update for climate.daikin_ac fails
8:40:09 AM – components/daikin/__init__.py (ERROR) - message first occurred at 7:55:35 AM and shows up 3 times
Error while setting up daikin platform for switch
7:52:16 AM – Switch (ERROR)
the last error was about when I first configured the setup, so is probably innocuous. The others though are a little more interesting Shows that the integration and responses seem to be slow (so polling period too great for my device perhaps?)
I can confirm when I access zones.cgi via cURL I can see the info I expect.
C:\Users\brett>curl -s -X GET http://ac.local:2000/zones.cgi?pass=12345
Only zones 1 thru 3 are connected (the others are all named the default). Could I need actual areas in HA with exact matching names?
Found some details on setting up debug logging and got this:
2020-06-11 14:26:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_base] Updating ['ac.cgi?pass={}', 'zones.cgi?pass={}']
2020-06-11 14:26:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_skyfi] Parsing opmode=0&units=.&settemp=23.0&fanspeed=3&fanflags=1&acmode=2&tonact=0&toffact=0&prog=0&time=14:27&day=3&roomtemp=22&outsidetemp=17&louvre=0&zone=128&flt=0&test=0&errdata=144&sensors=1
2020-06-11 14:26:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_skyfi] Parsing nz=8&zone1=Living%20area&zone2=Front%20living&zone3=Bedrooms&zone4=Zone%204&zone5=Zone%205&zone6=Zone%206&zone7=Zone%207&zone8=Zone%208
2020-06-11 14:26:08 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Setting up climate.daikin
2020-06-11 14:26:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_base] Updating ['ac.cgi?pass={}', 'zones.cgi?pass={}']
2020-06-11 14:26:08 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Error while setting up daikin platform for switch
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 178, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 442, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/daikin/switch.py", line 24, in async_setup_entry
zones = daikin_api.device.zones
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/daikin_skyfi.py", line 158, in zones
for i, onoff in enumerate(self.represent('zone')[1])
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydaikin/daikin_skyfi.py", line 121, in represent
val = str(bin(int(self[key]) + 256))[3:][int(self['nz'])]
IndexError: string index out of range
2020-06-11 14:26:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_skyfi] Parsing opmode=0&units=.&settemp=23.0&fanspeed=3&fanflags=1&acmode=2&tonact=0&toffact=0&prog=0&time=14:27&day=3&roomtemp=22&outsidetemp=17&louvre=0&zone=128&flt=0&test=0&errdata=144&sensors=1
2020-06-11 14:26:11 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydaikin.daikin_skyfi] Parsing nz=8&zone1=Living%20area&zone2=Front%20living&zone3=Bedrooms&zone4=Zone%204&zone5=Zone%205&zone6=Zone%206&zone7=Zone%207&zone8=Zone%208
no worries. Always happy to help, and appreciative of any assistance given. @Borgy got me started, but now I need super-powers
The debug log above had both the ac.cgi and zones.cgi output in them, and the error seemed to be related to the numzones “nz” parse which to me meant the parsing of the zone name list was going wrong, rather than the parse of what zones were enabled (but I clearly don’t know the code)
this is a full RPi setup so with managed docker instance. No idea even how to SSH direct to the Pi; I’m just using the “Terminal & SSH” add-on and looking there??