Daily briefing alert

I send to myself a daily briefing of today’s weather, sunrise/sunset, etc.
I am stuck on a particular part of the code on area weather alerts.
I have written the following code.

{% if is_state('sensor.east_valley_alert_event', '') %} No East Valley weather alerts today {% else %}There is an East Valley weather alert of a {{states('sensor.east_valley_alert_event')}}{% endif %}

The text result in the template tool is as follows

There is an East Valley weather alert of a None

It is displaying the information correctly.

What I am trying to achieve is If there is no alert to say

There is no East Valley weather alert.

And if there is a weather alert to say

There is an East Valley weather alert of <list the alert>

Can anyone point me in a direction that might help.

Look at the link below…

If the state is consistently none you can act on that state. If its something else you can fill in that state.

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To my rescue again. I will take a look at the information.
Thanks and hope all is well during the lockdown.