Daily briefing message - maybe TTS?


Was wondering if someone maybe have managed to setup a message of what’s happening today that gets outputted to a speaker.

So what I mean is to have for example Google Calendar and whether.

So you would trigger a automation with “god morning” and the speaker then triggers a briefing message like:

God morning "NAME"
today the weather in "CITY" is "WEATHER"
You have one appointment at "TIME" called "CALENDAR EVENT" and one appointment at "TIME" called "CALENDAR EVENT"

Or something like that.


Use the Google calendar integration and send the data to the tts service if your choice.

Yeah but with the Calendar integration it seems like you only get if there is a event at that moment, seems like you can’t see the upcoming events?

Actually I have been wondering that since I posted that.

There must be google api to get today’s events?