Daily Briefing


I have had this idea rolling around my head for a while, but the recent opening of ChatGPT to scripts has let me do this without a lot of work setting up that API myself. I did set up the API for Fake You (I don’t really recommend–the voices are pretty lousy) for more celebrity options.

This script randomly selects a personality, reads my calendar for the day, and gives me my agenda in a fun personality. Getting the prompt for ChatGPT just right can be a bit tricky.

alias: Daily Briefing
  - variables:
      personality: >
        {% set forced = 0 %} {% set personalities = 
            { "name" : "Jarvis from Ironman", "voice_provider" : "microsoft", "language" : "en-gb", "voice" : "RyanNeural" },
            { "name" : "a puppy", "voice_provider" : "microsoft", "language" : "en-us", "voice" : "DavisNeural" },
            { "name" : "an Austrailan man", "voice_provider" : "microsoft", "language" : "en-au", "voice" : "WilliamNeural" },
            { "name" : "an Irish man", "voice_provider" : "microsoft", "language" : "en-ie", "voice" : "ConnorNeural" },
            { "name" : "an New Zealand man", "voice_provider" : "microsoft", "language" : "en-nz", "voice" : "MitchellNeural" },
            { "name" : "Aang, the Last Airbender", "voice_provider" : "fake you", "language" : "", "voice" : "weight_ebd86kqbz09xwfemj4n9e8zy0" },
            { "name" : "Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter world", "voice_provider" : "fake you", "language" : "", "voice" : "weight_z39jrnp1naq1pmvt2hqxt41vg" },
            { "name" : "Bowser (Jack Black) (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)", "voice_provider" : "fake you", "language" : "", "voice" : "weight_2c7vq4s9n7x8t9nf11k6ssb93" }
        %} {% if forced == 0 %}
          {{ personalities[ range(0, (personalities | list | count) ) | random ] }}
        {% else %}
          {{ personalities[ forced - 1 ] }}
        {% endif %}
      player: media_player.master_bedroom_museluxe
  - action: calendar.get_events
      entity_id: |
        {% set calendars = 
        %} {% for calendar in calendars %}
          {{ calendar }}{%- if not loop.last %},
          {%- endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      start_date_time: "{{ today_at('1:00') }}"
        hours: 24
    response_variable: agenda
  - variables:
      events: |
        {% set pattern = '[a-zA-Z\d!@#$%&*-].*' %}
        {% for calendar in agenda %}
          {% for event in agenda[calendar]["events"] %}
            {{ event.start }} - {{ event.end }} : {{ event.summary | regex_findall_index(pattern) }}|    
          {%- endfor %}         
        {%- endfor %}
  - action: conversation.process
    metadata: {}
      text: >-
        I am male. My name is Andrew. The time is {{ now() }}.  Only use 12-hour
        time format. Tell me my agenda for the day in chronological order to be
        read by a voice generator in the style of {{ personality.name }}.  Play
        hard into the character. The following are my activities for the day: {{
        events }} (If no activities are listed above, assume my day is open and
        adjust accordingly; do not make stuff up for my agenda.)        
      agent_id: conversation.chatgpt
    response_variable: briefing
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ personality.voice_provider == 'microsoft' }}"
          - action: tts.microsoft_say
            metadata: {}
              cache: false
              entity_id: "{{ player }}"
              message: "{{ briefing.response.speech.plain.speech }}"
              language: "{{ personality.language }}"
                type: "{{ personality.voice }}"
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ personality.voice_provider == 'fake you' }}"
          - action: script.fake_you_tts
            metadata: {}
              entity_id: "{{ player }}"
              message: "{{ briefing.response.speech.plain.speech }}"
              voice_id: "{{ personality.voice }}"
description: ""
icon: mdi:calendar-today

My next steps:

  1. Get a better TTS provider for celebrity voices. Suggestions would be appreciated on that–I don’t mind paying a modest fee for quality voices. Play.ht is what I am currently looking at.
  2. Clone my parents’ voices so they can wake me up. Acknowledged, ChatGPT will not be able to get their personalities perfect, but I am OK will cliche mom & dad.
  3. Layering music with it, so for example, if HA picks Hermione, Hedwig’s Theme will play in the background. I assume mixing audio is not exceptionally straightforward, so advice would be helpful.
  4. Use this for an automatic alarm clock–this one I know how to do. I will create a local calendar to use as the trigger for the automated alarm. Every morning, another automation will read my calendars, and figure out what my first event is. Then add a trigger event in the aforementioned local calendar an hour before my first event.
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