Daily cpu temp peaks

There was maintenance every day and every 3 days starting at 2:00 a.m. I uncheck all cases and it did kill the cpu usage. Temperature is back to normal now.

I will try to find which maintenance should be kept inside Plex Media Server and how often.

@Mikefila Can I keep Glances installed in the background or it’s using some cpu all the time?

Good you found it. However now that you know what it is why not let it do its work?

For me Glances used a noticeable amount of ressources and it increased the CPU temp by a few degrees. Therefore I’ve uninstalled it again but your mileage may vary.

I can confirm this, I don’t uninstall it but I don’t leave it running. I only start it if there is something I want to look into, then stop it right after.

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And when I want to stop it, do I need to input a code in the terminal of simply not displaying Glances in a terminal means it is not running?

On the addon page, just click stop. Make sure watchdog and start on boot are disabled

I didn’t realize there was an addon for Glances. I installed it directly on Debian through the MacOS Terminal. I will look into it if it keeps running while I’m not looking actively in a Terminal window.

Thanks @Mikefila