I have a weather station that reports rainfall via MQTT. The station provides a ‘total rainfall’ is continuously increases (unless manually reset which I really don’t want to do).
The relevant MQTT sensor spec is:
Today we have received 8.4mm of rain and the ‘rain_total’ value went from 5.36 to 13.8.
However the ‘daily rainfall’ value is 0.03.
What am I doing wrong and how can I get the 'right ’ value displayed?
I too am playing around for the utility meter for rainfall, but I have a sensor that resets every night at midnight and I want 15 minute data. I am getting unexpected results too so I will watch this topic.
Also 8.4mm today? Are you somewhere in NE Vic? That’s my total today.
Near Lilydale.
I defined the MQTT sensor months ago and the utility integration device 3 days ago (when of course there was no rain so the 0 reading was expected)
Hmm - ok - I have two sensors, one uses the helper, the other is in configuration.yaml. Both work so that doesn’t help you. My config one uses the cron format for the time: