Daitem alarm integration

Good evening everyone,
the integration of a Daitem e-Nova alarm control unit would be useful. Would a connection be possible, even passing from the Daitem cloud and thus obtaining information about the status of the alarm and of the individual sensors (opening of gates, shutter movement, motion sensor, etc …)?

Thank you all

I’d find this useful too!

As far as I know, there is no local or cloud way to get the status.

However if you setup the Daitem Secure app notifications, the home assistant companion app can listen to these notifications and update a sensor. I set the companion app to only update the sensor for (android) package com.daitem.protectiondirecte.
It’s not ideal:

  • Signal goes through Daitem cloud, the phone, and only then home assistant. Lots of hops with possible connectivity issues.
  • If the notification is not cleared before a second one come, the sensor data doesn’t allow to derive the alarm status.

But it does allow to get the alarm status in home assistant in a few seconds!

I use it to enable some automations when no one is home, for instance.

This is my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: template
        name: Alarme
        value_template: >
          {% if state_attr('sensor.phone_last_notification',
'package') != 'com.daitem.protectiondirecte' %} unknown
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.phone_last_notification'
, 'android.text') is match('.*marche présence.*') %} armed_home
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.phone_last_notification'
, 'android.text') is match('.*marche.*') %} armed_away
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.phone_last_notification'
, 'android.text') is match('.*arrêt.*') %} disarmed
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.phone_last_notification'
, 'android.text') is match('.*intrusion.*') %} triggered
          {% else %} unknown
          {% endif %}

Note that my phone is in French, and I haven’t tried yet the triggered state.

Now for setting the alarm from home assistant, I managed do it via SMS. First set up a notify service to send SMS from home assistant, some providers offer a service for instance.
Then append to the above:

          service: notify.sms_daitem
            message: "{{ code }}#23##"
          service: notify.sms_daitem
            message : "{{ code }}#33##"
          service: notify.sms_daitem
            message: "{{ code }}#21##"

I disabled this last part because the SMS were not reliable enough, and when it didn’t go through immediately I was afraid it would do in the middle of the night. I was also afraid to leak the code in some logs.