DALI lightning system integration

I can. Find me on twitter @benutti ?

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Hello - we manufacture a DALI hat for the Pi, are looking for someone to work on our python code base - would you be interested? it has a lot of features including DT8

I have some experience in programming, but don’t expect wonders. I have a full time job as a luminary engineer and have little time next to that.

Our hardware supports Apple HomeKit and can this way be integrated into Home Assistant. You could either use our KNX Bridge or SmartCore, both have a dedicated native DALI Port. We can control dimmable and tuneable white DALI lights for now, each individually addressable from 0-63. Broadcast is also supported and of course we synchronise the status both ways in case you have other DALI controllers such as keypads or rotary dimmers. Supporting further types, such as RGB(CW) lights, motion detectors, brightness and temperature sensors are coming soon. We also demonstrated a working Proof of Concept for Matter at ISE in Barcelona a few weeks ago, so a free update to Matter will come as well. Longterm (3-6 months) we are also thinking about supporting Home Assistant natively without bridging via HomeKit or Matter.



Does anyone have adfweb dali / mqtt converter HD67941-B2 ?
I recently bought this but I can’t operate it from home assistant. According to the status of the LED on the dali / mqtt converter, I have a connection via mqtt communication.

Hi @paulus1 ,
I have the Dali MQTT adfweb installed in my house. What is exactly your problem?

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I want to integrate adfweb dali/mqtt into home assistant software, so that I can control everything from home assistant. I already contacted adfweb but they can’t help me in this.

thanks Benutti for your help, now it works :+1: :beers:

Hi, I’m also planning to buy DALI ↔ MQTT gateway from ADFweb. I have 3 question, for you before I buying it :smiley:
How many DALI devices do you have ?
How long does it take from pressing command “on/off or brighness change” on frontend to:

  • actually turn it on/off ?
  • to receive status back on frontend (e.g. status on/off, brightness change) ?

Thank you !!! =)

Hey @luuxiii

I share my experience:
In my house I have
37 dali lights
No dali sensors
21 Lunatone Dali coupler MC+ (link)

The Dali system works great without any delay on the dimming by the couplers (all my lights are connected to the wall switches by an MC+.)

I have the ADFWeb dali2mqtt getaway but unfortunately I’m not happy about it. The problem is that the gateway scans continuously the Dali bus in order to read the lights status, this scan, overload the dali network and in my case randomly light on a light (at 20%, I have all dimmable lights).We try (me and the customer service) to resolve the problem but without any result. So I have disabled the DALI scan in order to not have the problem but I cannot read the lights status. Only turn on / off / dimming by HA.

Next step will be to buy the Dali 2 IOT gateway from Lunatone that will work for sure (link)


Hello Francesco,

I have the ADF DALI/MQTT Converter (HD67941) but didn’t have any luck getting it to work.
When trying to connect to the mosquitto server on my home assistant instance I get the following error:
“Client disconnected due to protocol error”

This is my MQTT Configuration that i synched to the DALI/MQTT Module:

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hello @wolfmar80

here my configuration page.
It’s strange that you are not able to connect.
Did you try with another connection like MQTT explorer?

Dali console port is the same, 10001

Hello Francesco,

I see that you have a Client ID defined and have checked the “Clean Session”.

For the client ID, did you add any additional config to the Mosquitto Broker in HA?
What is the reason behind the “Clean Session” checkmark?

Oh my god. That was it.
I added a Client ID and now I get a connection.

Now I have to find out how to configure the “MQTT Set Topic” & the “DALI Access” Section so that my DALI Device will show up in HA…

Hello Francesco,

I managed to connect to the Mosquitto Broker but I am not able to see my device in Home Assistant.

I posted my configuration here:

If it is not too much hassle, could you review it?

Thank you.

I will check this evening, unfortunately I’m very busy in these days …
But I’ll let you know

Her am I,
First you have to activate the dali addresses that you want to scan (The converter scan the dali bus continuously in order to know the devices status).

After this, you have to set the MQTT Set Topic:
Here my example
For each address, you need to specify the topic (in my case : dali2mqtt/name of the light)
the type of command that trigger the comunication with the broker (in my case on_change)
And the address

Than double click in the in the template column to set the JSON output (this output will be send to the brocker.
in my case : { “channel”: $CHANNEL$, “adv”: $ADV$ }
and here you see how will be on the broker :

Immagine 2023-08-24 212823

you can choose also to send others parameters, see the table below in the template page.

Now you should have a correct writing of the parameters in the broker.

If you want to change the light parameter, you have to subscrive the Converter to a topic (in my case : dali2mqtt)

After that, you can send information to the broker as you prefer, in my case I use NODERED:

Immagine 2023-08-24 213305

Hope that will help you.

If you need more assistance, let me know.

That helped quite a lot thank you. I now can control the light.
However, now I have a problem syncing the light state (on/off, brightness) with the light entity in home assistant.
I have created a topic with the following payload:

{"state": "$STATUS$", "brightness": $ADV$}

and the brightness is updated fine.
However for ON/OFF the ADF Module sends 4/0 but HASS is expecting “ON”/“OFF”.
How can I substitute the 0 with OFF and the 4 with ON?

Thanks for your help.