Dallas DS18S20 - not appearing in HA Frontend

This is very bizarre.

I have a DS18S20 (7D28) which I used on another ESPHOME device and are now using on a different ESP device.

  - platform: dallas
    name: ${name} Temp D128
    address: "0xb5000008aa7ed128"
    internal: false

  - platform: dallas
    name: ${name} Temp 7D28
    address: "0x63000008ab907d28"
    internal: false

Both Dallas devices are discovered during bootup, and the ESP is transmitting the sensor data for bothe sensors every 5 seconds.

To be sure that something is not flagging them to be internal, I have forced internal to false, removing this attribute makes no difference.

But only the new device (D128) is reflected in the home assistant front, end, the old one does not appear at all.

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 5.06.17 PM

I have restarted ESP Device, ESPHome, Home Assistant, I have deleted the .esphome folder and done a fresh rebuild so that no history of previous devices remained, and yet this sensor simply will not show up in the frontend.

If I remove the new device, then no devices show in the frontend, if I remove the old device and leave the new one, then the new one appears.

With both devices connected and recognised, only the new one ever appears in HA.

Delete integration. Go to ESPHome dashboard and delete the node entry ( after downloading configuration ). Restart HA and then re-add the node on the dashboard and configure on the integration page. If that doesn’t work then I would mess around with switching the sensors around between pins

Thanks so much for helping, but there’s no problem with the ESP device, as it is detecting both sensors and transmitting the data to frontend, can see that from the logs.

I already removed the device integration from HA and the device integration of the previous device that was using this sensor, and rebooted HA, ESPHOM and the device, makes no difference.

Also, both sensors are shown in the web console:

Hello. What I would now do is start a dummy sensor or template. And see whether that shows up in HA integrations as a new entity. If it does, I would then transfer the DS sensor into that visible sensor/ entity. You have a web console … which I do not have on any of my ESP nodes. Good luck

Hello, did you solved the problem?
I have exactly the same problem with 4 Dallas sensors connected to the same pin. On the web interface and the log all 4 and are working, but home assistant can see only two of these.

Delete Node integration
Reintegrate Node and they should all reappear

Not sure I have any Node integration,
At least I can’t find one in the UI

Sorry I meant ESPHome integration…delete you Node from the integration …and the reintegrate

I did this 4 times today with the same result, as I found this solution on another tread, but didn’t worked.
To be more clear I deleted only this node from integration and didn’t reinstalled the entire ESPHome integration.
Thank you!

it can be sticky and many reports (read above) of people having problems… i run about 10 dallas sensors and so far all problems have been solved through combinations of Node integration deletion AND/OR ESPHome dashboard Node deletion AND/OR REBOOT at each stage. Good luck. Let us know what works for you.

It looks like Home Assistant is keeping in mind the DS18S20 address and I used two of the sensors with other boards before and even if these boards were offline, it ignored these two sensors because these were used before with other boards.
I removed every device that used these two sensors before, deleted this device and reconnected and it worked.
It didn’t required a home assistant reboot.