Hi HA’s I am new to this forum. For years, i have used a Fibaro HC Light as controller for 8 Danfoss LC-12 thermostats. The setup works and it is stabile. I have multiple schedules for changing the room temperature during the day, which is done by sending a new setpoint to the thermostat. Upon each setpoint change, the valve is opened or closed corresponding to the desired change in room temperature.
I have recently migrated to Home Assistant for additional home automation. Now, I face the problem, that changing the setpoint in the thermostats paired to HA works instantly, but the valve will not open. I have tried using 2 different thermostats that works with Fibaro and with new batteries.
I use rpi4 as controller with an aeotec z-wave stick gen 5. Pairing the devices works fine. I have searched this forum, but nobody seems to have experienced my problem. Please give me your thoughts … Re Klaus
Does the valve open when you change the setpoint from the thermostat directly (e.g. not using HASS)