Danfoss Z Wave TRV Boiler Relay

Hi, I’m getting my head around automations and so far so good… however, I cannot figure out how to set an automation for a Danfoss Z Wave TRV. I’m migrating from a Genius Hub heating system to HA so have 20+ of these TRV’s which were very expensive, work on Z Wave and reliable so I have put them on HA. The issue with them is, their mode is fixed. They only have ‘Heat’ mode. Not even ‘off’.

I need to do an automation which uses the ‘valve air temperature’, ‘target temperature’ and fires the ‘boiler relay’ when the ‘target temperature’ is above the ‘valve air temperature’. As I’m new to this (6 days in), I’m using the visual automation editor. I will start using YAML as I learn so this would be a great starting point if anyone has any tips?

Thanks in advance.