Dantherm HCV 400

App is not telling anything, and unit flashing two green leds. Rebooted the unit, and back functioning.
So need to figure out how to write the correct codes to the correct registers on the unit, so shift between “auto”, “manual”, as well as “summer” and “bypass auto” modes.

Also got access to the PC Tool, for further adjustment of set values.

I have coded my own full demand control of HCV400, based on night / outdoor / home signals from IHC, whether the bath is in use (IHC signal), and demand control via indoor climate sensors on VOC and CO2 (Airthings Wave Plus) and RH via the built-in sensor , as well as whether patio doors are open in summer (switch to extraction only).

My system only runs auto at night and when the house is empty. Fan 1 speed only when VOC, CO2 and Humidity are very low, as VOC and CO2 rise too fast when running fan1 at standard. It runs 2 by default, and adjust to 3 respectively 4 depending humidity, CO2 and VOC levels.

Since the last update of HA, the modbus integration now requires the numbers to have specified the number of bits. All are 32 bits.

This is the newest configuration for anyone interested:


  - name: dantherm_hub

    type: tcp


    port: 502


      - name: dantherm_op_mode

        scan_interval: 5

        slave: 1

        address: 472

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: uint32

      - name: dantherm_bypass

        scan_interval: 5

        slave: 1

        address: 198

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: uint32

      - name: dantherm_filter_remain

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: days

        slave: 1

        address: 554

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: uint32

      - name: dantherm_filter_lifetime

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: days

        slave: 1

        address: 556

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: uint32

      - name: dantherm_outdoor_temperature

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: °C

        slave: 1

        address: 132

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float32

        precision: 1

      - name: dantherm_supply_temperature

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: °C

        slave: 1

        address: 134

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float32

        precision: 1

      - name: dantherm_extract_temperature

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: °C

        slave: 1

        address: 136

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float32

        precision: 1

      - name: dantherm_exhaust_temperature

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: °C

        slave: 1

        address: 138

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float32

        precision: 1

      - name: dantherm_humidity

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: "%"

        slave: 1

        address: 196

      - name: dantherm_fan1_rpm

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: "rpm"

        slave: 1

        address: 100

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float32

        precision: 0

      - name: dantherm_fan2_rpm

        scan_interval: 5

        unit_of_measurement: "rpm"

        slave: 1

        address: 102

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: float64

        precision: 0

      - name: dantherm_fan_state

        scan_interval: 5

        slave: 1

        address: 324

        count: 2

        swap: word

        data_type: uint32
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I have a HCV 300 Pro.
Where have you found the Modbus documentation? Or can you share what you have :wink:

I mailed Dantherm a while ago to get more info on the modbus configuration. They sent me a full document with all registers. Maybe this can be of some use to you?

Dantherm UVC Controller - Modbus TCP IP.pdf

I’m hoping for a HACS and maybe a guide to get started gonna try in 1 month when I move


Can you explain how you manage to communicate (give instructions to the HCV400)?
Because I would like to do the same as you in terms of control (door open for summer, CO2 level monitored in important rooms).
In terms of power consumption, there is a big difference between levels 2 and 3. I can’t find any automatic programs that correspond to our needs.
Indeed, level 1 is not sufficient at all when the house is not empty.

And I can only use the application locally … At the moment, the VPN on my phone does not allow me to connect to the HCV400 via their application.

Thanks in advance.


Following the procedure, I managed to connect to the HCV300, read the values, change them via the tool indicated.
BUT I can’t manage to make program 11 active, the one that is supposed to be custom … I see it come changed as it should via the smartphone app but when I ask it to switch to program 11, the fan runs at level 3 as the default value.
If I turn everything off, wait a few minutes and restart the HCV300, what I have done has disappeared, is not saved and defaults to program level 11 (ie level 3 all the time).

Did you manage to customize program 11 and make it active?
For me, this is an intermediate step (to make it more suitable for our needs) before dynamically changing the fan speed.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Hi Jesper.
I managed to do it using the work from OP. Seems that since then the Modbus documentation has been posted.


did you make it work with HCV 300 Pro? and if yes mind sharing your config :slight_smile:

I tried to integrate all functions of the Dantherm app in Home Assistant. It’s not a full integration through HACS, only several automations and scripts to make the dashboard do what I want.


The dashboard depends on several custom cards:
Vertical Stack In Card
ApexCharts Card

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Thank you a lot… saw your reply today.
Readouts was on place a time, but now with this it gives more meaning.

and thanks for sharing your files too.

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Mode and errors


Is the PC-tool available online for the public? Cannot find it in the open.

There is a tool available called Modbus Poll. It’s costly software, but I mailed the developers and explained my DIY use of their tool and they gave me a great discount. I do believe there is also a trial version available.

I dont have alot of experience with yaml in home assistant. But im happy to see that this work is being done. I was a Dantherm technician, and technical supporter, and im actually the one that sent the modbus pdf to @arnocl .
If i can help in any way please let me know, i have access to the pc tool - admin if that helps.

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@arnocl : I’m aware of modbus poll, but the reason for the tool is not connecting or finding new registers. I succeeded in connecting/reading the values with the information in this thread. Thanks anyway for sharing the received pdf/information

I’m looking for the pc tool because I have/had some issues with the configuration of my unit. When the dantherm unit was installed and calibrated, the installer used the tool to increase throughput/rpm of the fans, in order to meet regulations. The default throughput was only little to low, but the fans were put to max power anyway. Afterwards all ceiling in-/out-take nozzles were closed in order to get the desired airflow. Some days later, I realized it’s like driving a bike/car with the brakes put on. It’s additional power consumption and wear just to get the correct airflow.
It would be better for the device and the power consumption if I could reduce the airflow-resistance as well as rpm’s of the fans.
In the meantime, I accepted the situation because currently I don’t have the equipment any more to properly measure/adjust the airflow of the intake-outlets, so I won’t be able to do it properly anyways (at least at the moment).

@Liquidsmoke : I don’t know if you can or are allowed to share the tool. When I buy a device, I’m used to collect all possible tools for managing, just in case I need them one day, or when they would be removed from the public internet. If you cannot share this information in public, you can send me a PM

I belive i can share it, I’m going to Dantherm on Tuesday and I will make sure i can share it before i do so.

I would love to have this setup at my house, as I work alot with these units.

I will let you know when I have talked to them, is there anything else needed to get more information about the pcb?

Bonjour à tous, je vous rejoins car petit nouveau dans HA, j’ai une DF Hcv 700 dantherm, je voulais savoir si votre configuration fonctionnerait pour moi aussi ? J’aurais besoin d’un peu d’aide au début pour comprendre comment vous mettez le modbus sur HA, je suis connecté en câble avec une ip fixe, il y a t’il un hacs modbus à télécharger avant ? Si quelqu’un peut m’aider un peu. Merci

Hi folks,

New to HA as well. I would like to integrate my unit HCV 400 P1 but unfortunately I lack the technical skills. I added the configuration into configuration.yaml but that is where I got stuck. I’m unsure what to do next. Can someone please share a tutorial for a complete noobs or direct me to a source, that’ll show the basics that would help me understand how to do it? Many thanks