Dantherm HCV 400

Excellent, thank you. I have a RCV320, I’d like to test this. I can also translate to French.

I have a Dantherm RCV320, can also test.

Thanks for helping out.

Couldn’t find a way to attach a file. Here is a link to the english translation file on Github.

I would like to make a change to show your unit ids, when the unit is not known. I can see you both have units not listed in the documentation.

Here is the French version. The link will be active for a few days only.


I had a few doubts as sometimes it’s hard to know the context this will be used, but this should be a very good first version.

Any idea when the integration should be available?

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I’m gearing up to submit a request to have the Dantherm Integration officially accepted into HACS. If anyone would like to test it out beforehand, here’s the link:

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.



Hello, your link don’t work

Here is another one

Hopfully it will work.
Or else add the repository for the integration in this way:

  1. Go to HACS.
  2. Click on the integrations sections.
  3. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner.
  4. Select “Custom repositories”
  5. Add the “Tvalley71/dantherm” to the repository.
  6. Select the integration category.
  7. Click the “ADD” button.

Afterwards add the integration to your HA instance in this way:

  1. In Home Assistant, go to Configuration > Integrations.
  2. Click the + button to add a new integration.
  3. Search for “Dantherm” and select it from the list of available integrations.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the integration setup.


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