Dark sky component broken in 0.47.0?

In my logs:

2017-06-19 19:06:41 ERROR (Thread-5) [homeassistant.components.sensor.darksky] Unable to connect to Dark Sky. 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.darksky.net/forecast/xxx_hidden?units=si

Log into dark sky developer. https://darksky.net/dev/

I suspect you will find that you have exceeded your daily call allotment of 1000.
You can throttle the number of calls made to dark sky by setting a update_interval property on your dark_sky component

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: <SECRET>
      minutes: 10

Thanks @treno that is correct (running a couple of HASS instances).
Coincidentally I am grappling with rate limits for a sensor component I am developing. My plan is to set time windows within which the update rate is defined. For example, reducing updates to once an hour in the middle of the night, in order to enable faster update rates during the day. Is this an approach considered for dark sky?

With a 1000 calls per day equaling one call every 86 seconds on ONE hass instance, why would you need any quicker then that for the weather sensors which are unlikely to change within that amount of time to begin with.

You could work out how how often you could ping it with all your servers running reliably without going over the limit if you weren’t using it for the examples below.

But you could totally restrict calls during night the sleeping hours unless you were using it close windows and turn on thermostats when it got cold out.

In my case, frequent updates are important, and each sensor added requires its own request, so once a user has more than a couple of sensors the update rate is too slow. An equivalent situation with dark sky would be if a user requested data in multiple locations, but I appreciate this is probably not a common requirement.

Even with the configuration below, I exceeded the daily limit this morning.

- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret darksky_key
    minutes: 5
    - summary
    - icon

- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret darksky_key
    minutes: 5
  name: chicago
  latitude: 41.878132
  longitude: -87.628796
    - summary
    - icon

- platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret darksky_key
    minutes: 5
  name: los_angeles
  latitude: 34.050908
  longitude: -118.263446
    - summary
    - icon

@treno I am planning on adding time windows with specified throttles to a component I am writing, would be happy to collaborate on this element if its something Dark Sky could make use of? See this github issue

Config entry would be something like:

  - label: morning update window
  - Refresh rate: 2 minutes
  - Start time: 07:00        
  - Duration:       
      hours: 1
      minutes: 30