Dark Sky Sensor Not Appearing

What HA version are you running?

How have you installed HA? Hass.io? Docker?

Have you checked the error log?

Maybe try a new API key?

I am running Hass.io .68.1
I am running it in a docked on Ubuntu 16.04

I donā€™t know how to find the error logs. I am quite familiar with *nix OSā€™s but this dockers thing is throwing me for a loop, smb shares and ssh running seperately from the OS which also have smb and ssh running. Black Magic Iā€™s tell ya

I will give that a try later tonight

This works for me. Start simple, and then build up to what you need

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret dark_sky 
    units: ca
    update_interval: "00:15"
      - precip_probability
      - temperature
      - cloud_cover
      - visibility
      - icon

I gave your suggestion a try and I am not seeing any dark sky items on my overview.

Maybe I am mistaken but shouldnā€™t I see something on the overview screen automatically?


Not necessarily. I donā€™t know what the criteria is for this not to happen, but I know I have to add new items specifically under the default_view group.

The most accurate way of determining if you have created an entity is to search on the states page under developer tools for dark_sky

Iā€™ve checked there and I do not have a Dark Skies entry in States.
Iā€™ve also added a Torque sensor to my config.yaml and it doesnā€™t show up in States either.

Something is wrong with your configuration - it doesnā€™t seem to be reading the yaml file you are writing. But I donā€™t have any experience with hassio, so Iā€™ll leave somebody else to help on that.

Thatā€™s what I thought too.
So I went back to the config file and uncommented the old YR Weather sensor that I had commented out and put the Darksky sensor in with it and the YR weather element showed up on the Overview and in States but the Dark Sky one did not show up in States.

  - platform: yr
    name: "Weather_Prediction"
  - platform: darksky
    api_key: My_API_#

I would assume that the config.yaml is loading properly since the YR Weather is appearing. The config Check is also not showing any errorsā€¦

So I just got an opportunity to peak at the home-assistant.log file I found this:

Testing configuration at /config
Failed config
- Invalid config for [sensor.darksky]: required key not provided @ data[ā€˜monitored_conditionsā€™]. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at Removed integration - Home Assistant
- platform: darksky
api_key: My_API_Key

Successful config (partial)

It says my key is missing but it is clearly there.

I think it means monitored_conditions: is missing.

Could be, I added back in the monitored conditions you recommended earlier and now I am getting this error:

2018-05-22 15:19:08 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [homeassistant.components.sensor.darksky] Unable to connect to Dark Sky. HTTPSConnectionPool(host=ā€˜api.darksky.netā€™, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /forecast/My_API_#/Latitude#,Longitude#?units=ca&lang=en (Caused by NewConnectionError(ā€˜<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f6c7ebca550>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try againā€™,))

You have posted 2 similar threads

yah, figured it might be better in hass.io since Iā€™m running hass.io

Iā€™m facing exact situation. Did you find any solution @rlongfield ?

Edit: After reseting key on Dark Skyā€™s web UI, It appeared on next day.

Hey Sercanerhan,

No I never did find a solution. I ended up switching to Home Assistant.

I just had the same error. My solution was to refresh the API KEY on Darksky website and changing to the new Key on my YAML.

Restart Home Assistant and error was gone.

Just in case someone else is having same error.

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this worked like a charm for me too! thanks

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Thank you so much for adding this.
Im still trying to learn how to make ā€œentitiesā€ appear, and even what they ARE to begin with.
I havent got ANY new entities or states to show up yetā€¦i will try this.
thank you again for ANSWERING the question rather than doing the usual telling the OP hes done it wrong, but not helping in any tangible way.
Seriously, thank you!!!
(4 days of pain speaking here.)