DarkSky Sensor not working

I have set the DarkSky Sensor in my config.yaml file but I am unable to see DarkSky in States, or on the Overview page.

My DarkSky entry looks like:

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: My_dark_sky_API 
    units: ca
    update_interval: "00:15"
      - precip_probability
      - temperature
      - cloud_cover
      - visibility
      - icon

When I restart Hasio and check my home-assistant.log file I have this entry in for DarkSky:

2018-05-22 15:19:08 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [homeassistant.components.sensor.darksky] Unable to connect to Dark Sky. HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘api.darksky.net’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /forecast/My_API_#/Latitude#,Longitude#?units=ca&lang=en (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f6c7ebca550>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again’,))

I’m a bit confused…

try single quote not double quote for update interval

I read in 0.70.x beta release the monitored min and max daily temperature is changed to low and high, but actually, using 0.69.1 i see in sensors created by the darksky platform i have


My actual config says in 0.69.1:


  • summary
  • icon
  • temperature
  • temperature_min
  • temperature_max
  • apparent_temperature
  • humidity
  • hourly_summary
  • daily_summary
  • precip_probability
  • precip_intensity
  • wind_bearing
  • wind_speed
  • pressure

And it’s really strange. What i must change to get darksky working also with 0.70.x release ?

I made a pull request with arsaboo with the changes here https://github.com/DavidFW1960/home-assistant/blob/master/packages/weather.yaml

The old measures are depreciated but should still work I thought.

Ok, but the strange is that i have still min and max as monitored conditions, but created sensors are low and high !! How this? So i must only change min and max into low and high and stop to have the package working on 0.70.x release?

When I changed to high/low a whole bunch or sensors changed name. If you navigate back up in my github, check the customise and groups… I don’t understand why you have old sensors… are you configuring them in config yaml as well? In the log I saw it showed an error saying old sensors were depreciated - are you seeing that?

I still have running 0.69.1 and i am trying to change all that is needed before upgrading to 0.70. So you confirm that the sensors are correct to run with the 0.70 ? Or i must change something else other than the monitored conditions to ‘temperature_low’ and ‘temperature_high’?

It will create a bunch of sensors with different names that you need to put in groups or whatever and hide etc in customise but yes - it all is working. I’m on 0.70.0b2 and it all works with my config as per github linked.

Also as I mentioned, the old sensors are still working. They are depreciated but still work. Why do you think they won’t work in 0.70?? They were working for me but when I saw the error in the log and saw they were depreciated I edited the yaml file for the new sensors. There is nothing in 0.70 that will break them.

Ok, thanks… i asked this because i tried 0.70.0b1 and i got many errors about that package and i read i was forced to change sensors. More i got many problems with custom ui and i also read i need an update of custom ui which i did… now i am ready to update again to the 0.70 release…

Unfortunately that didn’t work. I am still getting the same error.

You have posted 2 similar threads…

yes, I posted in the configuration.
Seems that it is more Home Assistant related so I figured I would try in the Hass.io forum since that is what I am running.

There is nothing in 0.70 that will break them.

That’s a relief I didn’t feel like rolling back to an old version. However I am still running into a lot of errors and I am running 0.70 or maybe (0.71 - I’m a away from my pc and will show my logs and version when I get home). I also changed to SSL so maybe I need to change something because of that?Again if nothing jumps out at anybody I’ll post my actual config and errors when I’m home). Thanks!

Something else I remembered: I can get to dark sky from my mac but I can’t from my pi
I’m using this https://api.darksky.net/forecast/690bdd2c40503dec255ec34060d19e5c/37.8267,-122.4233 on both machines. And in the pi logs it logs the above (with dif coordinates) as the url it can’t connect to. So I can’t connect to darky using the example coordinates or the coordinates it says it’s reaching out to in my logs. I can from the machine I ssh into my pi from.

Did you ever get it working? I’m having a lot of the same issues…

Nope, I haven’t been able to get it working.
I cannot get either of the Dark Sky options to work.

Oh damn…that’s discouraging…I wonder if you can reach out to https://api.darksky.net/forecast/690bdd2c40503dec255ec34060d19e5c/37.8267,-122.4233 (example url from darksky).

Just found this https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/https://api.darksky.net/forecast/ as something to try…maybe that’ll work for you?

I’ve tested my api key with their url and it works just fine.
I’m missing something when it comes to HASSIO and Darksky.
Actually I’ve become quite disappointed in HASSIO, I haven’t tried to do anything as it seems the “simple” stuff just doesn’t work for me. I haven’t been able to get any Weather options to work, nor Google Calendar, or Torque.
I can’t imagine tackling anything substantial when a simple 3 line entry fails to work.

Those seem to be working together fine with me.

Oh I have no doubt. I’ve had working darksky config’s shard with me. I update the api key and nothing.

any solution ?