Hey i have some issues with some of the information received from dark sky ,
platform: darksky
name: Weather
api_key: !secret darksky_keyupdate_interval:
hours: 1
monitored_conditions:- summary
- precip_probability
- precip_intensity
- precip_accumulation
- temperature
- apparent_temperature
- dew_point
- wind_speed
- wind_gust
- wind_bearing
- cloud_cover
- humidity
- pressure
- visibility
- ozone
- precip_type
- icon
- minutely_summary
- daily_summary
- hourly_summary
- temperature_low
- temperature_high
- apparent_temperature_high
- apparent_temperature_low
- precip_intensity_max
- uv_index
- moon_phase
data i could receive before now not working properly…
name: Dark Sky
view: no
# - sensor.weather_apparent_temperature
# - sensor.weather_cloud_coverage
# - sensor.weather_daily_high_temperature
# - sensor.weather_daily_low_temperature
# - sensor.weather_humidity
# - sensor.weather_icon
# - sensor.weather_precip_probability
# - sensor.weather_pressure
- sensor.weather_summary
- sensor.weather_wind_speed
- sensor.weather_precip_probability
- sensor.weather_precip_intensity
- sensor.weather_precip_accumulation
- sensor.weather_temperature
- sensor.weather_apparent_temperature
- sensor.weather_dew_point
- sensor.weather_wind_speed
- sensor.weather_wind_gust
- sensor.weather_wind_bearing
- sensor.weather_cloud_coverage
- sensor.weather_humidity
- sensor.weather_pressure
- sensor.weather_visibility
- sensor.weather_ozone
- sensor.weather_precip
- sensor.weather_icon
- sensor.weather_minutely_summary
- sensor.weather_daily_summary
- sensor.weather_hourly_summary
- sensor.weather_overnight_low_temperature
- sensor.weather_daytime_high_temperature
- sensor.weather_daytime_high_apparent_temperature
- sensor.weather_overnight_low_apparent_temperature
- sensor.weather_daily_max_precip_intensity
- sensor.weather_uv_index
- sensor.weather_moon_phase
any suggestions ?