6 posts were split to a new topic: Orange Theme
Thank you, I completely ignore the part where I have to actually set theme lol
Can you send me a screenshot?
Can you send me a screenshot?
Sure. Here is what I meant. Using CustomUI labels in the card here but both of your background colours are similar so it should give the same effect. You could also use transparent instead of var(–secondary-background-color) which would make it look good against both background colours
I’m trying to change the theme with an input_select but i cant make it work. When i change the input the state variable changes but the theme never gets loaded.
My code is:
name: Escolha um tema
- Escuro - Azul
- Claro - Laranja
initial: Escuro - Azul
icon: mdi:nintendo-switch
- alias: 'Temas'
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.escolha_tema
- platform: time
minutes: '/1'
seconds: 10
- service: frontend.set_theme
name_template: >
{% if is_state("input_select.escolha_tema", "Escuro - Azul") %}
{%-elif is_state("input_select.escolha_tema", "Claro - Laranja") %}
{% endif %}
I’ve tried using frontend.reload_themes
instead of frontend.set_theme
but no luck. Does anyone knows the soluction for this??
Thank you!
You have to select it from the configuration panel
This will help:
Is it possible to have themes change automatically?
When I wake up before dawn it would be great to have the dark theme so my eyeballs aren’t burnt by the phone glare before I wake up properly. But after dawn the theme should go back to white background.
@j.assuncao, @bachoo786, @forsquirel, @DPB61: Here is my automation rule, based on changing an input select box manually and/or automatically. There are of course other ways of accomplishing this, but this works fine for me (and is pretty comprehensible).
Please note however that changing the theme in your configuration frontend UI overrides all of it. So better leave the frontend config (https://your.home.assistant/config/core) theme set to ‘backend-selected’.
themes: !include configuration_themes.yaml # your themes go in this file, or directly below here
name: Choose template
- default
- day
- night
initial: day
icon: mdi:theme-light-dark
# IF: { input_select hass_template is changed by user OR home assistants boots up } THEN: { set theme to state given by input_select.hass_template }
- id: switch_hass_template
alias: switch_hass_template
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.hass_template
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- service: frontend.set_theme
name: "{{ states.input_select.hass_template.state }}"
# IF: { sun.sun goes under horizon } THEN: { set theme to night mode }
- id: day_to_night_theme
alias: day_to_night_theme
- platform: state
entity_id: sun.sun
from: 'above_horizon'
to: 'below_horizon'
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.hass_template
option: 'night'
# IF: { sun.sun is up } THEN: { set theme to day mode }
- id: night_to_day_theme
alias: night_to_day_theme
- platform: state
entity_id: sun.sun
from: 'below_horizon'
to: 'above_horizon'
- service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.hass_template
option: 'day'
when you enable themes there’s a dropdown list under configuration > configuration.yaml scroll to the bottom.
again, select the theme you want to use to apply it.
Yes indeed much more elegant solution. I will change my code aswell. Thanks
thanks a lot I managed to get it working when I select a theme.
Sorry if this is a silly question but if you change the Theme to another color how do you get back to the “normal” default colors? Is it as simple as saying
name: 'default'`
or do I need to define the color values back to the original by defining a Theme called “default” ?