DarkSky daily forecast starts from yesterday instead of today?

Hello All,
I am a newbie and running the latest version of hass.io with lovelace yaml mode.
When I use the darksky weather platform as such in my code:

  - platform: darksky
  api_key: .......
  mode: daily

And then in my lovelace yaml:

- type: weather-forecast
  entity: weather.dark_sky

I get it to render the daily forecast, but today is Thursday (EST/US/NYC) and if you look at the forecast it starts from Wednesday (yesterday).

Why is it doing this?


If you go to https://darksky.net/ directly and enter the zip code, it correctly shows the daily starting from today not yesterday:

Also notice that they seem to be wrongly offset in HA. For instance:

in HA:

Thursday, High: 30, Low: 22

on darksky site:

Thursday, High: 23, Low: 8 (which is exactly the correct one)

HA is basically showing Wednesday (yesterday) with the correct high of 24 (and the correct low is probably that of Tuesdays); and repeats this trend for the rest of the days - why is offset like this and how to correct?

All of the following are correctly set up in my configuration.yaml :

latitude: ....
longitude: .....
elevation: 54
unit_system: imperial
time_zone: US/Eastern

Am I missing something?

thank you in advance! very frustrating!

So it turns out this is a bug that only affects Safari browsers (iOS app included):

This bug does not occur when using HA in the Chrome browser.

I hope this bug is resolved soon.

I have the exact same bug and it’s not related to browser as I have it on multiple devices (windows pc, android phone and android tablets) and multiple browser…
I run an HTTP query via my API key directly to the dark_sky web and it returns indeed in the JSON, forecast_0 (1st one) the date from yesterday!!!

Same Bug here. Chrome Browser on Windows 10, Chrome Browser on Android device. All report forecasts starting yesterday. Safari on IPad starts on the correct day.
So looks like Chrome has caught the bug as well.

Make sure your time zone is set correctly on the device running Home Assistant.

It is. And I added a Date & Time card which shows the correct date and time for my location

I have the same problem with Safari on a Mac and on my iPhone/ipads. However, when I use Chrome on the same Mac it shows the correct date. Even when I clear all cookies and cache from Safari, still is one day off.

This is still an issue on Home Assistant 0.97.0. Anyone have any luck troubleshooting this?

Mine definitely displayed incorrect. Is there another weather service?