Darksky minutely forecast

Hi all,

I’ve just setup the darksky sensor using the guide in the component page.

But I cannot setup the minutely forecast.

This is my setup in the sensors.yaml

  • platform: darksky
    api_key: xxxx
    forecast: 1
    • summary
    • temperature
    • temperature_max
    • temperature_min
    • cloud_cover
    • humidity
    • pressure
    • minutely_summary
    • hourly_summary
    • daily_summary

where is the error?

Thank you

Here’s how mine is set up. Note that I am not using the forecast: 1 option.

# Weather (darksky.io)
-  platform: darksky
   api_key: !secret forecast_io_api_key
   update_interval: 300
     - summary
     - icon
     - nearest_storm_distance
     - precip_type
     - precip_intensity
     - precip_probability
     - temperature
     - apparent_temperature
     - dew_point
     - wind_speed
     - wind_bearing
     - cloud_cover
     - humidity
     - pressure
     - visibility
     - ozone
     - minutely_summary
     - hourly_summary
     - daily_summary

I end up with these three sensors:

Next Hour = sensor.dark_sky_minutely_summary
Today = sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary
This Week = sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary

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I think that Darksky has minutely summary not for all locations. Such forecasts requires local sources. For my location it always return not available.

So i think it’s because of my location…it make sense.

Thank you all anyway :slight_smile:

If you are in a location served by Weather Underground, it won’t be a problem for long. WU does forecasting (which I have been anxiously awaiting since the first PR for support died on the vine) and a new PR will be merged soon that will allow you to use WU for forecasting.

The reason I am so excited about this is that I have a personal weather station that updates to WU so my forecasting will be infinitely more accurate than using DarkSky or Yahoo Weather.

That’s a good news! I’ve founded a weather station next to my work location. So I’ll be ready for the next merging.
Meanwhile I used the lang option but the “summary” is still in english.

  - platform: wunderground
    api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    pws_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    lang: IT
      - weather
      - temp_c
      - pressure_mb
      - relative_humidity 
      - wind_dir
      - wind_string

Do you have the same isse?

I didn’t even know there was a language option; I’m in the US so I’ve never tested it.

I’ll give it a try later though and see what happens.