Darksky probability of rain

Hi all.

I am making a sprinkler controller external to HA and want to pass the probability of rain to it. The only component I can find (in Australia) that seems to forecast this is Dark Sky.

So I set up its config like

  platform: darksky
     api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxx
       - 0
       - 3  
       - 6
       - 9
       - 12
       - 15
       - 18
       - 21
       - precip_probability

and I get a percentage listed for each hour and one listed without an hour. Its just listed as Darksky Precip Probability.

Is that one for the current period?


There is a BOM sensor and also a BOM custom component.

Thanks David. yes use that one but it didnt seem to show probability of rain but may have missed that option. Will have another look…

It definitely had probability of rain % and also predicted rainfall in mm. Possibly in the custom component.

Yes, that’s the forecast for now.