DarkSky Question


I upgraded to v2022.7.0 today. Before upgrading, I was able to use both the DarkSky weather platform and the DarkSky sensor.

I declared the platform like this.

  platform: darksky
  api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
  mode: daily

and the sensor as below.

  - platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
      - apparent_temperature
      - dew_point
      - humidity
    scan_interval: '00:10:00'

Since upgrading, the platform works, generating a weather.dark_sky entity, but the sensors are not created. As you can see, I use them for humidity info.

Not sure if this is related to the changes to weather in 2022.7 or not, but any help is appreciated.

– John

You’re missing the monitored_conditions: line. It should be:

- platform: darksky
    api_key: !secret darksky_api_key
      - apparent_temperature
      - dew_point
      - humidity
    scan_interval: '00:10:00'
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Thanks. I guess I deleted that inadvertently pretty recently, as it was all working until I restarted.

Thanks again,


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