Darksky temperature automation not working (Fahrenheit vs Celsius?)

I’m a new user with Hassio 86.2 installed.

Mixed results to date - mostly learning the interfaces. Currently trying to make an automation to switch on my pond heater when it gets below freezing (and off when it gets above).

Using one of the examples as a guide, I coded the following:

 platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: weather.darksky
    value_template: "{{ state.attributes.temperature }}"
    # Can be a positive or negative number
    below: 31.0
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.pond_outlet_power    
- id: '1549154823486'
  alias: "Pond heater when above freezing"
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: weather.darksky
    value_template: "{{ state.attributes.temperature }}"
    # Can be a positive or negative number
    above: 32.0
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.pond_outlet_power    

It’s gone below freezing and its not switching. I’m more interested in how to debug than in the syntax i’m sure I have wrong.

Here is the json response I get back from Darksky

{“latitude”:xx.873,“longitude”:-xx.239,“timezone”:“America/Toronto”,“currently”:{“time”:1549384945,“summary”:“Mostly Cloudy”,“icon”:“partly-cloudy-day”,“nearestStormDistance”:207,“nearestStormBearing”:195,“precipIntensity”:0,"precipProbability":0,“temperature”:30.56,“apparentTemperature”:19.26,“dewPoint”:22.75,“humidity”:0.72,“pressure”:1019.31,“windSpeed”:16.32,“windGust”:21.48,“windBearing”:320,“cloudCover”:0.9,“uvIndex”:2,“visibility”:9.56,“ozone”:261.2},“minutely”:{“summary”:“Mostly cloudy for the hour.”,“icon”:“partly-cloudy-day”,“data”:[{“time”:1549384920,“precipIntensity”:0,“precipProbability”:0},

So the temperature is 30.56 (it was > 32).
I’m pretty sure I have specified my switch entity right.
I’m not sure about the value template syntax.

I know i’m receiving the darksky data properly since it shows in the home page. One difference is that the temp shows as celsius - but I presume that;s just home assistant translating it to my preference (I would assume that the automation is still using the raw, untranslated Fahrenheit temp that darksky sends).

Any help or meta-help appreciated.

you sure you have the correct entity_id? Without configuring the name, it defaults to weather.dark_sky not weather.darksky.

Sigh… that’s probably it. I didn’t configure name… just looked in the developer tools and mis-coded. In my defence, I’m used to compilers catching mistakes like that… I’ll just have to be super careful. Thanks…Ill confirm if that fixes it. Cheers

the configuration checker pretty much only checks the shape of the yaml. Plus a few aspects about automations.