Dashboard Card for playing local videos

Hello together,

i have 4 cams which will store videos local on the home assistant server. I will pick up them by an pythonscript and move them to an folder. Only the 5 most recent clips with a fixed name will be in this folder (1.mp4, 2.mp4 etc). Now I am looking for a good option to integrate the clips into my dashboard. I have managed to do it via an ifram, but then the videos are automatically played when the dashboard is called up. I don’t want that. I also managed to use an image card that plays the video by clicking on it. But then it is played in a new browser tab. I don’t want that either. Surely there is another simple option here?

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi, have you tried with the picture glance card?

camera_view: live
type: picture-glance
title: Cam1
  - sensor.1
  - sensor.2
camera_image: camera.cam1

Unfortunately, I don’t understand your idea yet. How can I Insert a path here like local/clips/1.mp4 to display the corresponding video?

Did you even look/try: Picture glance card - Home Assistant

tryed this:

camera_view: live
type: picture-glance
title: Kitchen
image: /local/test.mp4
  - entity: sensor.hue_motion_sensor_1_battery
  action: url
  url_path: /local/test.mp4


Seems like videos cant be played this way or i missconfigurate something?

What happens if you put http://your_HA_IP:8123/local/test.mp4 in your browser?

Did it. Unfortunately it changed nothing…

So if that doesn’t work there is something wrong with your config.