Hello, I would like to make a card on a dashboard that will show my progress for cycling for the year. Can you tell me if I am on the right path, or if I should be doing this differently?
So, I have the sensor entities: - sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_ride_distance
And if I want my yearly goal to be 6000 miles, it should be something like this
Total Distance = 6000
Miles So Far this year: sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_ride_distance
Percent Complete = YTD_Ride_Distance / 6000
And as I understand it, to get this to show on a gauge, I would need to do a Template
A progress gauge is an interesting idea, particularly as “Progress” stats are one of the Strava features reserved for premium subscribers.
I’ve not tried this yet, but here’s a sketch before trying it myself:
Define a helper or Text entity to hold the annual distance target
Define another to hold the current distance (looks like you have a sensor already)
Define a template entity which is calculated once per day, to give the % year time complete
Define another template which calculates the % distance goal complete (calc once a day, or when the distance sensor changes)
Create a gauge to display:
% year time complete
% year distance goal complete
Actual distance
How do you get the actual stats out of Strava? Is there something in HACS, a web scraper, or just enter a value (text entity).
To get a template entity to run once a day, I have a templates.yaml included in configuration.yaml, so here’s a quick hack to get % year complete. I need to look for the Python “day of year” object as this may be simpler than needing to compare with a hard-coded year start.
# templates.yaml
# no "template:" here as in configuration.yaml
- trigger:
- event: start
platform: homeassistant
- platform: event
event_type: event_template_reloaded
- platform: time_pattern
# only needs to change once a day
hours: 05
minutes: 05
unique_id: 111111111
- name: Percentage of year elapsed
state: >
{{ ((as_timestamp(now().date()) - as_timestamp('2023-01-01')) / 86400 / 365.25 * 100)|round(1,'ceil') }}
icon: "mdi:CalendarRange"
I am not currently paying for Strava, but I’d be happy to. But, I would like to have my progress on my dashboard in HA, similar to how others display weather or energy usage.
Here is the Strava integration for Home Assistant
I am going to re-read what you posted about 3 times and try to figure out how to do this. Thanks !
The block of YAML is distilled from several years of posts, so there is some magic in there (e.g. to re-calculate on a reboot/ restart), but to tinker, simply copy the template function into Dev Tools to take it apart and test:
To install it, I prefer a separate file for templates, so add template: !include templates.yaml to configuration.yaml, and create templates.yaml with the contents above. Having a place for once a day calculations can be really useful (e.g. bin reminders, text to speech formatted dates, etc).
Thanks for looking at this , and having interest. This is all one or 2 levels above my current skill set, but I am going to see if I can make the magic happen
FYI - just installed the Strava integration, and it worked first time!
I’ll look at defining targets and the gauges tomorrow, but straight away it looks like only Total / Year / “Recent” totals are available, suggesting weekly targets night not be possible.
For me, the year to date distance verses time are enough. One gauge with two bars (distance, time), and a progress (% distance / % time) might be enough (possibly with red / amber / green / amber / red zones for show).
This Year
Ride 1086km of 2000km (-31km ahead)
Run 193km of 250km (53km ahead)
Ride 54.3 %
Run 77.1 %
Year 55.9 %
Ride target 1116.9km
Run target 139.7km
The percentages are best moved to a template function, generating entities for a gaugue.
The main issue is the Strava integration seems to exclude virtual distances - e.g. Zwift, putting me behind!
This Year
Ride {{ states('sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_ride_distance')|round(0,'ceil') }}km of {{ states('input_number.year_ride_target')|round(0,'ceil') }}km ({{ (states('sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_ride_distance')|float - states('sensor.ytd_ride_target')|float)|round(0,'ceil') }}km ahead @ {{states('sensor.ytd_ride_target')}}km)
Run {{ states('sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_run_distance')|round(0,'ceil') }}km of {{ states('input_number.year_run_target')|round(0,'ceil') }}km ({{ (states('sensor.strava_stats_summary_ytd_run_distance')|float - states('sensor.ytd_run_target')|float)|round(0,'ceil') }}km ahead @ {{states('sensor.ytd_run_target')}}km)
Ride {{ states('sensor.ytd_ride_percent') }}%
Run {{ states('sensor.ytd_run_percent') }}%
Year {{ states('sensor.ytd_percent') }}%
The problem now is it appears the Gauge card only supports fixed constant segments, which means I can’t define colours based on the dynamic sensor.ytd_percent - effectively plotting YTD progress against YTD time.
This suggests a fully custom component might be needed to give a time bar graph with target progress - effectively just 3x percentages plotted on the same 0-100 axis.