Dashboard cards/elements order

I am curious if the order of the elements/cards is so correct or if there is an error here. I mean I can see some sort of pattern on the arrangement - but it dosen’t really make sense to me.

Take a look on the position numbers.

and that’s how it looks like on my smartphone - like expected.


As you don’t provide info in regards to which “View-type” you are using and also not have provided the your code of the dashboards, No-one can tell, just guessing !
Maybe you have some vertical stacks, and most likely you also use “masonry-view” which have it’s ways to structure the cards in a view, depending upon resolution … but as mention, and said MaYbe

oh, sure - let me give you more information’s. Im using the default view and the structure looks fine on the smartphone but not on my workstation.

and here’s the code

  - title: Licht
    path: light
    icon: mdi:lightbulb
    badges: []
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
              - type: back
          - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
              - type: template
                icon: mdi:lightbulb
                icon_color: >-
                  {% if (states('sensor.count_lights_on') | int) > 0 %} orange
                  {% endif %}
                content: >-
                  {% if (states('sensor.count_lights_on') | int) > 0 %}
                  {{states('sensor.count_lights_on')}} {% endif %}
            alignment: end
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: Licht
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.licht_haus
          action: none
          action: toggle
        icon: mdi:home-lightbulb-outline
        secondary_info: none
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            primary: UG
            secondary: ''
            icon: mdi:home-floor-negative-1
            layout: vertical
            entity: light.licht_keller
            icon_color: |-
              {% if is_state('light.licht_keller','on') %}
              {% endif %}
              action: none
              action: toggle
          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            primary: EG
            secondary: ''
            icon: mdi:home-floor-0
            layout: vertical
            icon_color: |-
              {% if is_state('light.licht_erdgeschoss','on') %}
              {% endif %}
            entity: light.licht_erdgeschoss
              action: none
              action: toggle
          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            primary: OG
            secondary: ''
            icon: mdi:home-floor-1
            layout: vertical
            entity: light.licht_obergeschoss
            icon_color: |-
              {% if is_state('light.licht_obergeschoss','on') %}
              {% endif %}
              action: none
              action: toggle
          - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
            primary: DG
            secondary: ''
            icon: mdi:home-floor-2
            layout: vertical
            entity: light.licht_dachgeschoss
            icon_color: |-
              {% if is_state('light.licht_dachgeschoss','on') %}
              {% endif %}
              action: none
              action: toggle
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Wohnzimmer
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer
          action: none
          action: toggle
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.wohnzimmer_licht_links
            name: Licht Links
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.wohnzimmer_licht_rechts
            name: Licht Rechts
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.wohnzimmer_licht_stehlampe_light
        icon: mdi:floor-lamp
        name: Stehlampe
        use_light_color: true
        show_brightness_control: true
        show_color_temp_control: true
        show_color_control: true
        collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Esszimmer
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.esszimmer_licht
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        show_brightness_control: true
        collapsible_controls: true
        name: Licht
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Küche
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.licht_kuche
          action: none
          action: toggle
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.kuche_licht_links
            name: Licht Links
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.kuche_licht_rechts
            name: Licht Rechts
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Gäste WC
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.gastewc_licht
        name: Licht
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        show_brightness_control: true
        collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Schlafzimmer
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.schlafzimmer_licht
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        collapsible_controls: true
        show_brightness_control: true
        name: Licht
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Max
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.kinderzimmer_licht
        show_brightness_control: false
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        name: Licht
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Noah
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.kinderzimmer2_licht
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        show_brightness_control: true
        collapsible_controls: true
        name: Licht
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Badezimmer
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.badezimmer_licht
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
        show_brightness_control: true
        collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Dachgeschoss
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.licht_dachgeschoss
        icon: mdi:ceiling-light-multiple
        secondary_info: none
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.dachgeschoss_licht_vorne
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
            name: Vorne
          - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
            entity: light.dachgeschoss_licht_hinten
            name: Hinten
            icon: mdi:ceiling-light
            show_brightness_control: true
            collapsible_controls: true
      - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
        title: ''
        subtitle: Terrase
      - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
        entity: light.terrasse_licht
        icon: mdi:coach-lamp

Thanks for your feedback.

Well it’s pretty obvious, you first use 2 Vertical-stacks(with some cards inside, they never change the order inside the “stack”, then you use 2 mushroom-cards, then another vertical-stack(these cards also never change “order” inside the stack , then you again have some “individual” cards, and another vertical-stack, and some individual cards, and a stack

So if ALL cards, when on you phone, is “in the order” as you want i guess your are fine, but obviously it will look very different if you open your view on a big screen, or ipad( whether you have it vertical or horizontal) , Maybe you will even notice “Changes in the Order” if you try to “flip” your phone, to Horizontal-View ( you might get 2 column of cards ) torched around cording to the functionality of “Masonry”

Did you really build your view on your Phone, or were you just Damn lucky that all the cards ended up in right order, there( after building on a bigger screen ) ?

Ive created the dashboard on my workstation just adding one card after the other card using the GUI. Ive checked the order of the cards on my phone after adding new cards.
Putting my phone in the Horizontal-View leads to the same view like on my workstation.
So… as you said: damn luck :slight_smile:

So I will take a look on the documentation - I understood that I need to somehow break the vertical-stack.

My understanding of how it works is obviously wrong.
I thought its a kind of adding cards, line by line. And easily put a horizontal stack in a line to get more columns for that specific line and based on the display width the dashboard will arrange the cards in my order on multiple columns to fill the whole screen. So a kind of FIFO if I would need to compare with something other :smiley:

I have also played around with various view-setup(for different Dashboards), on my laptop, to get the same order-setup on my phone, vs 4K-TV
Best result ( in Masonry-view ) is with vertical-stacks, with what ever inside, and each fill about the screen-high of my laptop ( it’s important they are about the same High ) , so with 3 columns-in masonry, the 3 stacks turns up “beside” eachother, filling the screen, and on the phone(vertical, each vertical.stack/view-column, comes below eachother ( in the order column 1.2.3 )

Depends as mention upon the size of the cards, a vertical-stack can fill the height of i.e 3 cards( but still counts as 1 card ! )(1 card can also have the hight of 2 smal cards), and so masonry “tors” these cards around, (when possible) , on a big screen with i.e 2-3-4 columns, and it tries to “fill/level out” rows and columns … And it’s very anoing, as you say.

Go to your Workstation, click edit:dashboard, pick the highest number ( 28), and then the " - " , to give it next lower (27) , then keep going until it’s number 1 , AND see what’s happens with the order of your view !
I wont say, “then you’ll understand” , it’s more like, you wont understand :laughing:

It wont have such a big effect as your vertical stack is only with 2-3 small cards, but if you have higher cards, or 3-4 cards in a stack, it would move around several cards each time, and you will not find it funny or easy to place the cards where you want them

:slight_smile: I will play around a bit with it.
Thanks a lot for your feedback and time helping me :muscle:

Well, sorry i just noticed it was Horizontal stacks you had :slight_smile: , thou still the way masonry works, on a big screen, is as mention above, fill the columns(to about big card high, or , then next column, then next, then first, , second, third etc, But if you put in a High card, or cards in vertical-stack(higher than 2 normal card, ) it tries to “level out” … hope you still understand :slight_smile:

PS: i only have 2 view with masonry(1 with 3 vertical-stack), i gave up upon a “Clean” masonry :slight_smile:

1 Like

I have a similar issue/situation I can’t understand/solve.
I have an odd numbering position for some cards (please see the arrow in the picture) but I don’t think I’m using any specific setting causing that.
Any help/explanation is appreciated.

title: Casa
  - title: ARIA
    path: aria
    icon: mdi:air-filter
      - type: gauge
        needle: false
          - from: 1
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 2
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 3
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 4
            color: '#fa5050'
          - from: 5
            color: '#960032'
          - from: 6
            color: '#7d2181'
        min: 0.5
        max: 6
        entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '0'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Non disponibile
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '1'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Buona
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '2'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Normale
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '3'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Accettabile
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '4'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Scarsa
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '5'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Molto scarsa
      - type: conditional
          - condition: state
            entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
            state: '6'
          type: gauge
          needle: false
            - from: 1
              color: '#50f0e6'
            - from: 2
              color: '#50ccaa'
            - from: 3
              color: '#FFC300'
            - from: 4
              color: '#fa5050'
            - from: 5
              color: '#960032'
            - from: 6
              color: '#7d2181'
          min: 0.5
          max: 6
          entity: sensor.eaqi_stazione
          name: EAQI - Estremamente scarsa
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.pm10_stazione_gauge
        needle: true
          - from: 0
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 20
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 35
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 50
            color: '#db4437'
          - from: 100
            color: '#900030'
          - from: 150
            color: '#7d2181'
        min: 0
        max: 200
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.biossido_azoto_stazione_gauge
        needle: true
          - from: 0
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 100
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 200
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 350
            color: '#db4437'
          - from: 500
            color: '#900030'
          - from: 750
            color: '#7d2181'
        max: 850
        min: 0
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.ozono_stazione_gauge
        needle: true
          - from: 0
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 80
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 120
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 180
            color: '#fa5050'
          - from: 240
            color: '#960032'
          - from: 380
            color: '#7d2181'
        min: 0
        max: 480
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.monossido_carbonio_stazione_gauge
        min: 0
        max: 25
        needle: true
          - from: 0
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 4
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 7
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 10
            color: '#fa5050'
          - from: 20
            color: '#960032'
      - type: gauge
        entity: sensor.benzene_stazione_gauge
        needle: true
          - from: 0
            color: '#50f0e6'
          - from: 2
            color: '#50ccaa'
          - from: 4
            color: '#FFC300'
          - from: 5
            color: '#fa5050'
          - from: 10
            color: '#960032'
        max: 15