Dashboard changed by itself

Please, I am new to Home Assistant, I left the browser opened on the HA dashboard, woke up this morning and alot of cards have changed names, entities, and I did not make those changes, did not restart anything, no updates to HA version. So please what could that be? anyone had that before?

Thank you

Is your Home Assistant system exposed to the Internet?

What version are you running?

Is your house known to be haunted by poltergeists?

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Yes, Home Assistant is exposed to the Internet, version 2021.04.0, Home Assistant OS 5.13

For remote access?

By what method?

Is your password Hunter2 ?

Exposed for remote access through home assistant paid subscription service only, and what about the password?

Nabu Casa?

Unpossibly hackers then.

It was a test and an old bash.org funny.

Have you tried Ctrl+F5?

Nah. Don’t bother. This is just plain weird:

Don’t suppose you could supply a (sanitised) screenshot of these change??

Yes Nabu Casa, so has that ever happened to anyone? if so or maybe the dashboard resets because I left the UI opened in the browser?, my HA setup is behind a firewall and I have no ports opened at all.

Anything’s possible in an infinite multiverse, but not that I’ve read here, on Reddit or Discorde before.

No. That would/could only ever mess up your browser’s view of the fronted. Not only that, the possibility of that sort of random noise

changed names, entities

Making coherent changes is infinitesimally unlikely.

So we’ve discounted:

  1. Hackers
  2. Random chance

That just leaves you :thinking: or people you know with access to your Home Assistant server.

That does leave me wondering, however, my major concern was hacking, anything else would be as not concerning as hacking. so as a new HA user, what is the best practices for security, for example can I leave the UI logged in or log out everytime before closing web browser? and what else could be done please?

Mate, you’re 99% there:

The other 1% is you not sharing the credentials with dickheads pranksters unscrupulous proxies.

Scroll down to “SECURITY” and read this: Remote UI

Unless you travel a lot and connect to a lot of hotel wifi, it’s not even worth considering as a possibility though.

No way, I never share my passwords or even remote access link with anybody whatsoever. It might be a glitch in the HA or the UI of it, I don’t know. Thank you very much for taking the time helping me and, oh well, I’m trying to do my best (security wise). Thanks again.

That did this?

As I said:

Have you taken control of Lovelace or are you still using the auomatically generated Dashboard?

yes that’s what I meant

When I went to the UI today it was on the automatic generated mode even though that I’ve taken control before, maybe it reverted back to automatic for some reason.

Right. That’s a bit more specific than

How many dashboards do you see in Configuration / Lovelace Dashboards?

And when did you last make a snapshot?

I have one Dashboard (default)

I have snapshots automatically in google drive, I rearranged the dashboard, deleted and recreated a new snapshots locally and in google drive. And I will keep an eye on it. Thanks alot for the help.

Restoring last night’s snapshot (before the unwanted changes happened) is quicker and easier than you think.

That’s correct but I already rearranged the cards in dashboard and they’re not that many, like I said I’m new to HA anyway. Thank you very much for your time. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.


I mean, we don’t know how it happened.

Fairy Nuff. When your UI gets more complicated and ends up pear shaped, remember the snapshot. The fact that you are doing them automatically and copying them off the system is very wise for a new user. Good work.

Thank you very much . . . do you think it’s ok to stay logged in to the UI and just close the browser?