Dashboard Output Options

Hi everyone,

I was looking for an out of the box solution to control the dashboard data output.

Lets say you have some readings like this

2024-06-24 15_09_07-Solar – Home Assistant and 5 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

I have readings of my solar installation for example including some statistical values,
as you can see the values are in W or Wh and relatively large. As this is set by the entity I import and not want to create helpers above it to change it there is no option to convert the values to some using prefix like (k, M, G, T) to shorten it to a more useable displayed value.

Like in the total year production value 4234290.92Wh a display like 4.23MWh would be nicer and at that point there is no added value for the more detailed value here.
When using smaller displays the display of such data gets …

2024-06-24 15_14_55-Solar – Home Assistant and 5 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

My suggestion would be something on the lovelace cards allowing to set/round/display something like 3 digits (we call it 3 Signifikante like in my example) or 4 then my example would display 4.234MWh and taking car to automatically change the prefix in the process.
Similar drop down like for display precision

Best regards,

Assuming your entities have the correct device_classes this can already be accomplished from the front end.

See these instructions but change the unit above the display precision instead: Change number format of sensor - #2 by tom_l

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Dear tom_I,

This is absolutely correct and maybe helping most people that do not know that.
However that change is a change on the entity level, what I am looking for is the possibility for a more dynamic output. Granted I can change to kW or kWh as you can see

2024-06-25 08_57_27-Solar – Home Assistant and 4 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge

This indeed changes also in the rieman sum and where it is used (everywhere) and still the yearly production is not as I would like it to see. its showing 4267.13kWh, I could remove the decimal places of course to shorten it, but I would like an option to dynamically adjust only the output on my card to 4.27MWh.


You can make a template sensor for that. Use, say, if…then…

That you can do right. Still would be nice to have a default feature taking care of this. As this is something easily manageable by programming and this for several different types of sensor values. And it is common in so many applications to do it out of the box.

True, but there’s so much more important things which hasn’t been done yet (and they can’t be solved as simple as this one), so i think hoping for this is a very long shot…