Dashboard rename

Hopefully this is an easy question with an obvious answer. I’ve searched the forum and docs and haven’t found anything.

When I try to rename a Dashboard, I get this error.

extra keys not allowed @ data['mode']. Got 'storage' extra keys not allowed @ data['url_path']. Got 'new-dashboard-name'

Is changing the Title of a Dashboard not allowed?
Is there something else wrong with my configuration I should look for?
Is there another/better way to rename a Dashboard?


You can rename things, you’re spacing is likely off. This is telling you that mode does not expect any keys ‘inside’ it. What that tells me is that your configuration is:

    mode: ...


    mode: ...

Hi Petro,

Thanks for the quick response.

As this is a new thing for me, and I haven’t switched to YAML configuration or installed anything that lets me look into the .storage folder yet.

I created the Dashboard through the UI and that’s how I am attempting to rename and getting the errors, so I’m not sure what would have caused the spacing to get out of whack.

I’ll dig into this some more and post details if I learn anything interesting.


Before I did anything else, I updated core to 2022.3.5 and lo and behold, the rename through the interface started working as I thought it should.

So this is good, but I have no idea what the actual issue was before the update.

Thanks for the help!

just in case someone is stumbling across this - its actually the latest Host Operating System - Home Assistant OS 7.5 which does the fix.

Best, Andreas

I will revive this post by adding a question.
Is it possible to rename the default (Overview) dashboard on the left side? image


Yes, I am interested, too. Is there a way to rename the default dashboard and change the icon?

Bump I´m still interested. Any way to rename the default dashboard (possibly without switching to yaml configuration)?

Bump bump.

Is it possible with YAML? I would also like to change this to something more meaningful. Thanks

You can edit the following files:

  • config/.storage/lovelace_dashboards - list of dashboards
  • config/.storage/lovelace.DASHBOARD_ID - individual dashboard configurations

I also change the following line in the individual dashboard configuration file:

"key": "lovelace.DASHBOARD_ID",
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