Dashboard Text Color Not Working

In my dashboard I have the following code used to change the color of text based on device readings. For example, if a device is wet (leak detector) the dashboard reading will be green or red. With the 2025.1 update, the text only displays at the standard white. Any ideas?

      - entity: binary_sensor.sump_right_leak_moisture
        name: Sump Leak
            hui-generic-entity-row $: >
              state-badge {

              display: inline-block;  # Ensure the icon is visible


              .state {

              color: {% if is_state('binary_sensor.sump_right_leak_moisture',
              'off') %} green {% else %} red {% endif %};


Another example:

      - entity: sensor.meter_74dd_carbon_dioxide
        name: Carbon Dioxide CO2
        icon: mdi:molecule-co2
            hui-generic-entity-row $: |
              state-badge {
                display: inline-block;  # Ensure the icon is visible
              .state {
                color: {% set co2_value = states('sensor.meter_74dd_carbon_dioxide') | float %}
                  {% if co2_value < 800 %}
                  {% elif co2_value >= 800 and co2_value <= 1000 %}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %}


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Hi, I have not yet upgraded, but I saw some discussion in the main card-mod thread about that. iirc, there was already a sollution as well.

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I’m also facing this problem. I’m loocking for a solution

The current release, 3.5.0 fixed it for me.